author = {{S}alton, {G}.},
publisher = {ACM},
date = {1963},
file = {:Associative Document Retrieval Techniques Using Bibliographic Information.pdf:PDF},
journaltitle = {{J}ournal of the {ACM} ({JACM})},
preprint = {},
title = {{A}ssociative document retrieval techniques using bibliographic information},
volume = {10},
author = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {S}tiller, {J}an-{O}laf},
date = {1997},
journaltitle = {{R}esearch project in the national competition of the {F}oundation '{J}ugend forscht', ({G}ermany's premier youth science competition), {H}amburg, {G}ermany},
preprint = {},
title = {{G}lasfaserbasierte analoge {B}ilduebertragung ("{F}iber optic-based analog image transfer")},
author = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {S}tiller, {J}an-{O}laf},
date = {1998},
journaltitle = {{R}esearch project in the state-wide competition of the {F}oundation '{J}ugend forscht', ({G}ermany's premier youth science competition) {H}amburg, {G}ermany},
preprint = {},
title = {{V}erlaengerung der {S}tandby-{Z}eit von {M}obiltelefonen mittels intelligenter {I}ntegration eines {Z}usatzempfaengers im 433 {MHz}-{B}ereich ("{E}xtending cell phone standby time by intelligent integration of an additional receiver in the 433 {MHz}-field")},
abstract = {"Wo Menschen von Lawinen verschuettet werden, zaehlt bei der Rettung und Bergung jede Minute. Was in der Vergangenheit die traditionellen Lawinenhunde geleistet haben, muss in Zeiten des Massen-Tourismus mit technischem Know-how geloest werden. Die Idee von Bela Gipp, Jan-Olaf Stiller und Florian Krueger: Ein System, bei dem eine Infrarotkamera von einem Modellhubschrauber aus Bilder an ein Leitsystem weitergibt, auf dem sich die Temperaturunterschiede zwischen warmen Koerpern und Schnee erkennen lassen. Zur Orientierung des Hubschraubers dient eine zusaetzliche Echtfarbkamera, ein Ultraschallgeraet fuer schlechte Sicht und ein Global Positioning System (GPS). Alles kann mit einem Programm, das die jungen Erfinder geschrieben haben, ueber das Internet gesteuert und ausgewertet werden." 1999, Bundesjury 'Jugend forscht' zu dem Projekt "Der High-tech Bernhardiner"},
author = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {S}tiller, {J}an-{O}laf},
date = {1999},
journaltitle = {{R}esearch project in the state-wide competition of the {F}oundation '{J}ugend forscht', ({G}ermany's premier youth science competition);, {H}amburg, {G}ermany},
preprint = {},
title = {{D}er {H}igh-{T}ech {B}ernhardiner - {E}in {R}ettungssystem fuer {L}awinenopfer ("{T}he {H}igh-tech {S}t. {B}ernhard - an avalanche rescue system")},
abstract = {Jedes Jahr sterben auf deutschen Strassen 7.000 Menschen durch Verkehrsunfaelle. Davon koennten ueber 700 vor dem Tod bewahrt werden, wenn die Rettungsdienste unverzueglich nach dem Unfall informiert wuerden. Leider kommt es immer wieder vor, dass Verunfallte erst nach Minuten oder gar Stunden gefunden werden und so wertvolle Zeit bis zur Benachrichtigung der Rettungskraefte verstreicht. Warum nicht das flaechendeckend verfuegbare Mobilfunknetz nutzen, um automatisch Hilfe herbeizuholen? Urspruenglich im Rahmen von Jugend-forscht entwickelten wir in den vergangenen zwei Jahren ein flexibles und kostenguenstiges Notrufsystem - den "GSM Schutzengel". Dieser sieht aus wie ein gewoehnlicher Mobiltelefonakku, enthaelt aber zusaetzlich einen Beschleunigungssensor und einen Mikrokontroller zum Auswerten der Messdaten. Mit dieser Technik ist es moeglich, jedes handelsuebliche Mobiltelefon zu einem mobilen Schutzengel aufzuruesten, der Unfaelle sicher erkennt. Fehlalarme, beispielsweise durch Vollbremsungen waehrend der Autofahrt oder Hinunterfallen des Mobiltelefons, sind dabei ausgeschlossen. Bei einem Unfall ruft der GSM Schutzengel sofort die Rettungskraefte herbei. Dadurch kann selbst bewusstlosen Fahrern schnellstmoeglich geholfen werden. Die Position des Unfalls wird dabei ueber das Mobilfunknetz bestimmt - bis auf 150 m genau. Somit kann zielgenaue Hilfe gewaehrleistet werden, denn wer kann schon direkt nach einem Unfall beschreiben, wo genau er ist?},
author = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {B}eel, {J}oeran and {P}etersen, {L}ars},
date = {2001},
journaltitle = {{R}esearch project in the national competition of the {F}oundation '{J}ugend forscht', ({G}ermany's premier youth science competition);, {H}amburg, {G}ermany},
preprint = {},
title = {{D}er {GSM}-{S}chutzengel ("{T}he {GSM} guardian angel")},
author = {{A}lcala, {F}elix and {B}eel, {J}oeran and {F}renkel, {A}rne and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {L}uelf, {J}ohannes and {H}oepfner, {H}agen},
editor = {Tuerker, Can},
location = {Zurich},
publisher = {ETH Zuerich},
booktitle = {{M}obilitaet und {I}nformationssysteme - {W}orkshop des {GI}-{A}rbeitskreises "{M}obile {D}atenbanken und {I}nformationssysteme"},
date = {2003-10},
preprint = {},
title = {{O}rtung von mobilen {G}eraeten fuer die {R}ealisierung lokationsbasierter {D}ienste},
author = {{A}lcala, {F}elix and {B}eel, {J}oeran and {F}renkel, {A}rne and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {L}uelf, {J}ohannes and {H}oepfner, {H}agen},
editor = {Kyamakya, K.},
publisher = {University of Hannover},
booktitle = {{P}roceedings of 1st {W}orkshop on {P}ositioning, {N}avigation and {C}ommunication 2004 ({WPNC} 04)},
date = {2004},
doi = {},
preprint = {},
title = {{U}bi{L}oc: {A} {S}ystem for {L}ocating {M}obile {D}evices using {M}obile {D}evices},
author = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
location = {Aachen, Germany},
publisher = {Shaker Verlag},
url = {},
date = {2005-10},
note = {ISBN 9783-8322-4693-8. Also available at \url{}},
preprint = {},
title = {e{P}ass - der neue biometrische {R}eisepass},
author = {{G}ipp, {B}ela},
url = {;},
date = {2006-02},
howpublished = {Doctoral Proposal, VLBA-Lab, Otto-von-Guericke University, Germany, Supervisor: Prof. Claus Rautenstrauch},
journaltitle = {{D}octoral {P}roposal, {VLBA}-{L}ab, {O}tto-von-{G}uericke {U}niversity, {G}ermany. {S}upervisor: {P}rof. {C}laus {R}autenstrauch. url =;},
preprint = {},
title = {({C}o-){C}itation {P}roximity {A}nalysis - {A} {M}easure to {I}dentify {R}elated {W}ork},
author = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {B}eel, {J}oeran and {R}oessling, {I}vo},
location = {Scotts Valley, USA},
publisher = {Createspace},
url = {},
date = {2007-10},
note = {ISBN 978-1434823182. Also available at \url{}},
preprint = {},
title = {e{P}assport: {T}he {W}orld's {N}ew {E}lectronic {P}assport},
author = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
location = {Vienna, Austria},
booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the 5th {I}nternational {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({ICDL}'08)},
date = {2008-08},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-89533-6_48},
preprint = {},
title = {{C}ollaborative {D}ocument {E}valuation: {A}n {A}lternative {A}pproach to {C}lassic {P}eer {R}eview},
volume = {31},
author = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
editor = {Buchanan, George and Masoodian, Masood and Cunningham, Sally Jo},
location = {Heidelberg (Germany)},
publisher = {Springer},
booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the 11th {I}nternational {C}onference on {A}sia-{P}acific {D}igital {L}ibraries ({ICADL}'08)},
date = {2008-12},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-89533-6},
isbn = {978-3-540-89532-9},
preprint = {},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)},
title = {{T}he {P}otential of {C}ollaborative {D}ocument {E}valuation for {S}cience},
volume = {5362},
author = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
editor = {Larsen, Birger and Leta, Jacqueline},
location = {Rio de Janeiro, Brazil},
publisher = {International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics},
booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the 12th {I}nternational {C}onference on {S}cientometrics and {I}nformetrics ({ISSI}'09)},
date = {2009-07},
doi = {10.1109/ITNG.2009.317},
preprint = {},
title = {{G}oogle {S}cholar's {R}anking {A}lgorithm: {A}n {I}ntroductory {O}verview},
volume = {1},
author = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
editor = {Flory, Andra and Collard, Martine},
location = {Fez, Morocco},
publisher = {IEEE},
booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the 3rd {IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {R}esearch {C}hallenges in {I}nformation {S}cience ({RCIS}'09)},
date = {2009-04},
doi = {10.1109/RCIS.2009.5089308},
preprint = {},
title = {{G}oogle {S}cholar's {R}anking {A}lgorithm: {T}he {I}mpact of {C}itation {C}ounts ({A}n {E}mpirical {S}tudy)},
author = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {M}ueller, {C}hristoph},
url = {},
date = {2009-11},
doi = {10.1045/november2009-inbrief},
journaltitle = {{D}-{L}ib {M}agazine},
preprint = {},
title = {'{S}ci{P}lore {M}ind{M}apping' - {A} {T}ool for {C}reating {M}ind {M}aps {C}ombined with {PDF} and {R}eference {M}anagement},
volume = {15},
author = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {S}tiller, {J}an-{O}laf},
editor = {Ao, S. I. and Douglas, C. and Grundfest, W. S. and Burgstone, J.},
location = {Berkeley, USA},
organization = {International Association of Engineers (IAENG)},
publisher = {Newswood Limited},
booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the {I}nternational {C}onference on {M}achine {L}earning and {D}ata {A}nalysis ({ICMLDA}'09)},
date = {2009-10},
preprint = {},
series = {Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science},
title = {{C}ould {M}ind {M}aps {B}e {U}sed {T}o {I}mprove {A}cademic {S}earch {E}ngines?},
volume = {2},
author = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {S}tiller, {J}an-{O}laf},
location = {Washington, USA},
publisher = {IEEE},
booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the 5th {I}nternational {C}onference on {C}ollaborative {C}omputing: {N}etworking, {A}pplications and {W}orksharing ({C}ollaborate{C}om'09)},
date = {2009-11},
doi = {10.4108/ICST.COLLABORATECOM2009.8298},
preprint = {},
title = {{I}nformation {R}etrieval on {M}ind {M}aps - {W}hat {C}ould it be {G}ood {F}or?},
author = {{G}ipp, {B}ela},
editor = {Arndt, H.-K. and Krcmar, H.},
location = {Magdeburg},
publisher = {Shaker Verlag},
chapter = {Entwicklung neuer Verfahren zur Bestimmung von Dokumentenaehnlichkeiten mittels Referenz- und Zitationsanalyse},
date = {2009-10},
preprint = {},
series = {3. Workshop des Centers for Very Large Business Applications (CVLBA)},
title = {{V}ery {L}arge {B}usiness {A}pplications ({VLBA}): {S}ystemlandschaften der {Z}ukunft},
author = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {B}eel, {J}oeran},
editor = {Larsen, Birger and Leta, Jacqueline},
location = {Rio de Janeiro, Brazil},
publisher = {International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics},
booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the 12th {I}nternational {C}onference on {S}cientometrics and {I}nformetrics ({ISSI}'09)},
date = {2009-07},
preprint = {},
title = {{C}itation {P}roximity {A}nalysis ({CPA}) - {A} {N}ew {A}pproach for {I}dentifying {R}elated {W}ork {B}ased on {C}o-{C}itation {A}nalysis},
volume = {2},
author = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {B}eel, {J}oeran},
editor = {Ao, S. I. and Douglas, C. and Grundfest, W. S. and Burgstone, J.},
location = {Berkeley, USA},
organization = {International Association of Engineers (IAENG)},
publisher = {Newswood Limited},
booktitle = {{P}roceedings of {T}he {W}orld {C}ongress on {E}ngineering and {C}omputer {S}cience 2009},
date = {2009-10},
doi = {10.1007/s11257-016-9174-x},
isbn = {978-988-17012-6-8},
preprint = {},
series = {Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science},
title = {{I}dentifying {R}elated {D}ocuments {F}or {R}esearch {P}aper {R}ecommender {B}y {CPA} {A}nd {COA}},
volume = {1},
author = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {B}eel, {J}oeran and {H}entschel, {C}hristian},
location = {Virudhunagar, India},
organization = {Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology India},
publisher = {IEEE},
booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the {I}nternational {C}onference on {E}merging {T}rends in {C}omputing ({ICET}i{C}'09)},
date = {2009-01},
preprint = {},
title = {{S}cienstein: {A} {R}esearch {P}aper {R}ecommender {S}ystem},
author = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
date = {2010-12},
doi = {10.3998/3336451.0013.305},
journaltitle = {{J}ournal of {E}lectronic {P}ublishing},
preprint = {},
title = {{A}cademic {S}earch {E}ngine {S}pam and {G}oogle {S}cholar's {R}esilience {A}gainst it},
volume = {13},
author = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
location = {Toronto, Canada},
publisher = {ACM},
booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the 21st {ACM} {C}onference on {H}ypertext and {H}ypermedia ({HT}'10)},
date = {2010-06},
doi = {10.1145/1810617.1810686},
preprint = {},
title = {{E}nhancing {I}nformation {S}earch by {U}tilizing {M}ind {M}aps},
author = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
location = {Seoul, Korea},
booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the 4th {ACM} {I}nternational {C}onference on {U}biquitous {I}nformation {M}anagement and {C}ommunication ({ICUIMC}'10)},
date = {2010-01},
doi = {10.1145/2108616.2108662},
preprint = {},
title = {{L}ink {A}nalysis in {M}ind {M}aps: {A} {N}ew {A}pproach {T}o {D}etermine {D}ocument {R}elatedness},
author = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
location = {Toronto, Canada},
publisher = {ACM},
booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the 21st {ACM} {C}onference on {H}ypertext and {H}ypermedia ({HT}'10)},
date = {2010-06},
doi = {10.1145/1810617.1810683},
preprint = {},
title = {{O}n the {R}obustness of {G}oogle {S}cholar {A}gainst {S}pam},
author = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {S}haker, {A}mmar and {F}riedrich, {N}ick},
editor = {Lalmas, M. and Jose, J. and Rauber, A. and Sebastiani, F. and Frommholz, I.},
location = {Glasgow, UK},
publisher = {Springer},
booktitle = {{R}esearch and {A}dvanced {T}echnology for {D}igital {L}ibraries: {P}roceedings of the 14th {E}uropean {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({ECDL}'10)},
date = {2010-09},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-15464-5_45},
preprint = {},
series = {Lecture Notes of Computer Science (LNCS)},
title = {{S}ci{P}lore {X}tract: {E}xtracting {T}itles from {S}cientific {PDF} {D}ocuments by {A}nalyzing {S}tyle {I}nformation ({F}ont {S}ize)},
volume = {6273},
author = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {W}ilde, {E}rik},
date = {2010-01},
doi = {10.3138/jsp.41.2.176},
journaltitle = {{J}ournal of {S}cholarly {P}ublishing},
note = {University of Toronto Press},
number = {2},
pages = {176--190},
preprint = {},
title = {{A}cademic {S}earch {E}ngine {O}ptimization ({ASEO}): {O}ptimizing {S}cholarly {L}iterature for {G}oogle {S}cholar and {C}o},
volume = {41},
author = {{G}ipp, {B}ela},
date = {2010-01},
howpublished = {Invited Talk, Seminar on Information Access at the School of Information, University of California, Berkeley},
journaltitle = {{I}nvited {T}alk: {S}eminar on {I}nformation {A}ccess at the {S}chool of {I}nformation, {U}niversity of {C}alifornia, {B}erkeley; {I}nvitation by {M}ichael {B}uckland.},
preprint = {},
title = {{C}itation {P}roximity {A}nalysis},
author = {{G}ipp, {B}ela},
editor = {Lalmas, M. and Jose, J. and Rauber, A. and Sebastiani, F. and Frommholz, I.},
publisher = {Springer},
booktitle = {{R}esearch and {A}dvanced {T}echnology for {D}igital {L}ibraries: {P}roceedings of the 14th {E}uropean {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({ECDL}'10)},
date = {2010-09},
preprint = {},
series = {Lecture Notes of Computer Science (LNCS)},
title = {{M}easuring {D}ocument {R}elatedness by {C}itation {P}roximity {A}nalysis and {C}itation {O}rder {A}nalysis},
volume = {6273},
author = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {B}eel, {J}oeran},
url = {},
date = {2010-10-15},
keywords = {preprint},
number = {WO/2010/078857},
preprint = {},
title = {({WO}2010078857) {D}etection of a {S}imilarity of {D}ocuments by {C}itation {P}roximity {A}nalysis},
author = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {B}eel, {J}oeran},
location = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
publisher = {ACM},
booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the 21st {ACM} {C}onference on {H}ypertext and {H}ypermedia ({HT}'10)},
date = {2010-06},
doi = {10.1145/1810617.1810671},
isbn = {978-1-4503-0041-4},
preprint = {},
title = {{C}itation {B}ased {P}lagiarism {D}etection - {A} {N}ew {A}pproach to {I}dentify {P}lagiarized {W}ork {L}anguage {I}ndependently},
author = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {B}eel, {J}oeran},
date = {2010-01},
howpublished = {Invited Talk at Google Inc., Mountain View, CA, USA},
journaltitle = {{I}nvited {T}alk at {G}oogle {I}nc., {M}ountain {V}iew, {C}a, {USA}},
preprint = {},
title = {{I}ntegrating {C}itation {P}roximity {A}nalysis into {G}oogle {B}ooks and {G}oogle {S}cholar},
author = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {T}aylor, {A}driana and {B}eel, {J}oeran},
editor = {Lalmas, M. and Jose, J. and Rauber, A. and Sebastiani, F. and Frommholz, I.},
publisher = {Springer},
booktitle = {{R}esearch and {A}dvanced {T}echnology for {D}igital {L}ibraries: {P}roceedings of the 14th {E}uropean {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({ECDL}'10)},
date = {2010-09},
preprint = {},
series = {Lecture Notes of Computer Science (LNCS)},
title = {{L}ink {P}roximity {A}nalysis - {C}lustering {W}ebsites by {E}xamining {L}ink {P}roximity},
volume = {6273},
author = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {L}anger, {S}tefan and {G}enzmehr, {M}arcel},
publisher = {ACM},
booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the 11th {ACM}/{IEEE} {J}oint {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({JCDL}`11)},
date = {2011},
doi = {10.1145/1998076.1998188},
preprint = {},
title = {{D}ocear: {A}n {A}cademic {L}iterature {S}uite for {S}earching, {O}rganizing and {C}reating {A}cademic {L}iterature},
author = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {L}anger, {S}tefan and {G}enzmehr, {M}arcel and {W}ilde, {E}rik and {N}uernberger, {A}ndreas and {P}itman, {J}im},
location = {Ottawa, Canada},
booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the 11th {ACM}/{IEEE} {J}oint {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({JCDL}`11)},
date = {2011-06},
doi = {10.1145/1998076.1998187},
preprint = {},
title = {{I}ntroducing {M}r. {DL}ib, a {M}achine-readable {D}igital {L}ibrary},
author = {{G}ipp, {B}ela},
date = {2011},
journaltitle = {{IEEE}-{TCDL} {B}ulletin},
preprint = {},
title = {{I}dentifying {R}elated {W}ork and {P}lagiarism by {C}itation {A}nalysis},
volume = {7},
abstract = {The invention relates to a method and a system for detecting a similarity of documents. The similarity of documents is detected with the help of an analysis of citations in one or more citation document(s), wherein the distance between the individual citations is used as criterion of the analysis. On the basis of the determined distance between two citations, respectively, a similarity value is determined, which is characteristic of the cited documents. A small distance between two citations leads to a high similarity of the cited documents. In case of several citations with regard to documents from several citation documents, the similarity values for the citation pairs from the individual citation documents are used for determining a final similarity value.},
author = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {B}eel, {J}oeran},
url = {},
date = {2011-10-27},
howpublished = {Patent Application},
preprint = {},
title = {{M}ethod and {S}ystem for {D}etecting a {S}imilarity of {D}ocuments},
version = {A1},
author = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {M}euschke, {N}orman},
location = {Mountain, View, CA, USA},
publisher = {ACM},
booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the 11th {ACM} symposium on {D}ocument engineering ({D}oc{E}ng '11)},
date = {2011-09},
doi = {10.1145/2034691.2034741},
isbn = {978-1-4503-0863-2},
preprint = {},
title = {{C}itation {P}attern {M}atching {A}lgorithms for {C}itation-based {P}lagiarism {D}etection: {G}reedy {C}itation {T}iling, {C}itation {C}hunking and {L}ongest {C}ommon {C}itation {S}equence},
author = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {B}eel, {J}oeran},
location = {Ottawa, Canada},
publisher = {ACM},
booktitle = {{P}roceedings of 11th annual international {ACM}/{IEEE}-{CS} {J}oint {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({JCDL}'11)},
date = {2011},
doi = {10.1145/1998076.1998124},
preprint = {},
title = {{C}omparative {E}valuation of {T}ext- and {C}itation-based {P}lagiarism {D}etection {A}pproaches using {G}utten{P}lag},
author = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {S}tiller, {J}an-{O}laf and {B}eel, {J}oeran},
url = {},
date = {2011-04-21},
keywords = {preprint},
number = {WO/2011/044865},
preprint = {},
title = {({WO}2011044865) {M}ethod for {D}etermining a {S}imilarity of {O}bjects},
author = {Schubotz, Moritz},
institution = {Institut f\"{u}r theoretische Phyisk an der Fakult\"{a}t f\"{u}r Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften an der Technische Universit\"{a}t Berlin},
language = {English},
location = {Berlin},
url = {},
pages = {189},
pubstate = {unpublished},
subtitle = {A quantum master equation approach},
title = {Full Counting Statistics},
type = {Diplomarbeit},
author = {Schubotz, Moritz and Brandes, Tobias},
date = {2011-08},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevB.84.075340},
file = {:Schubotz11.4422v1.pdf:PDF},
issn = {1098-0121},
journaltitle = {Physical Review B},
preprint = {},
title = {Random backaction in tunneling of single electrons through nanostructures},
volume = {84},
author = {{M}euschke, {N}orman and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna},
location = {Newcastle upon Tyne, UK},
url = {},
booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the 5th {I}nternational {P}lagiarism {C}onference},
date = {2012-07},
preprint = {},
title = {{C}ite{P}lag: {A} {C}itation-based {P}lagiarism {D}etection {S}ystem {P}rototype},
abstract = {Wikipedia, the world largest encyclopedia contains a lot of knowledge that is expressed as formulae exclusively. Unfortunately, this knowledge is currently not fully accessible by intelligent information retrieval systems. This immense body of knowledge is hidden form value-added services, such as search. In this paper, we present our MathSearch implementation for Wikipedia that enables users to perform a combined text and fully unlock the potential benefits.},
author = {Schubotz, Moritz},
date = {2012-07-30},
doi = {10.14279/depositonce-5034},
eprint = {1304.5475},
eprinttype = {arXiv},
file = {:disCicm12.pdf:PDF},
journaltitle = {CoRR},
title = {{Making Math Searchable in Wikipedia}},
volume = {abs/1304.5475},
author = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {L}anger, {S}tefan and {G}enzmehr, {M}arcel and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna and {N}uernberger, {A}ndreas},
booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the {W}orkshop on {R}eproducibility and {R}eplication in {R}ecommender {S}ystems {E}valuation ({R}ep{S}ys) at the {ACM} {R}ecommender {S}ystem {C}onference ({R}ec{S}ys)},
date = {2013},
doi = {10.1145/2532508.2532512},
preprint = {},
series = {ACM International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS)},
title = {{R}esearch {P}aper {R}ecommender {S}ystem {E}valuation: {A} {Q}uantitative {L}iterature {S}urvey},
author = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {L}anger, {S}tefan and {G}enzmehr, {M}arcel and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {N}uernberger, {A}ndreas},
booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the {W}orkshop on {R}eproducibility and {R}eplication in {R}ecommender {S}ystems {E}valuation ({R}ep{S}ys) at the {ACM} {R}ecommender {S}ystem {C}onference ({R}ec{S}ys)},
date = {2013},
doi = {10.1145/2532508.2532511},
preprint = {},
series = {ACM International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS)},
title = {{A} {C}omparative {A}nalysis of {O}ffline and {O}nline {E}valuations and {D}iscussion of {R}esearch {P}aper {R}ecommender {S}ystem {E}valuation},
author = {{G}ipp, {B}ela},
institution = {Department of Computer Science, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany},
publisher = {University of Magdeburg},
date = {2013},
preprint = {},
title = {{D}octoral {T}hesis: {C}itation-based {P}lagiarism {D}etection: {A}pplying {C}itation {P}attern {A}nalysis to {I}dentify {C}urrently {N}on-{M}achine-{D}etectable {D}isguised {P}lagiarism in {S}cientific {P}ublications},
author = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna and {L}ipinski, {M}ario and {N}uernberger, {A}ndreas},
location = {Dublin, UK},
publisher = {ACM},
booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the 36th {I}nternational {ACM} {SIGIR} {C}onference on {R}esearch and {D}evelopment in {I}nformation {R}etrieval},
date = {2013-07},
doi = {10.1145/2484028.2484214},
preprint = {},
title = {{D}emonstration of {C}itation {P}attern {A}nalysis for {P}lagiarism {D}etection},
author = {Leich, Marcus and Adamek, Jochen and Schubotz, Moritz and Heise, Arvid and Rheinl{\"{a}}nder, Astrid and Markl, Volker},
editor = {Markl, Volker and Saake, Gunter and Sattler, Kai-Uwe and Hackenbroich, Gregor and Mitschang, Bernhard and H{\"{a}}rder, Theo and K{\"{o}}ppen, Veit},
publisher = {GI},
booktitle = {Datenbanksysteme f{\"{u}}r Business, Technologie und Web (BTW), 15. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und Informationssysteme" (DBIS), 11.-15.3.2013 in Magdeburg, Germany. Proceedings},
date = {2013},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.1210857},
file = {LeichASHRM13.pdf:LeichASHRM13.pdf:PDF},
pages = {507--510},
series = {{LNI}},
title = {Applying Stratosphere for Big Data Analytics},
volume = {214},
author = {{L}ipinski, {M}ario and {Y}ao, {K}evin and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna and {B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
location = {Indianapolis, IN, USA},
publisher = {ACM},
booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the 13th {ACM}/{IEEE}-{CS} {J}oint {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({JCDL})},
date = {2013-07},
doi = {10.1145/2467696.2467753},
preprint = {},
title = {{E}valuation of {H}eader {M}etadata {E}xtraction {A}pproaches and {T}ools for {S}cientific {PDF} {D}ocuments},
author = {{M}euschke, {N}orman and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
url = {},
date = {2013-06},
journaltitle = {{I}nternational {J}ournal for {E}ducational {I}ntegrity},
preprint = {},
title = {{S}tate of the {A}rt in {D}etecting {A}cademic {P}lagiarism},
volume = {9},
abstract = {In this paper, we present our approach for searching mathematical formulae. We focus on a batch query approach that does not rely on specialized indexes, which are usually domain dependent and restrict the expressiveness of the query language. Instead, we use Stratosphere, a distributed data processing platform for Big Data Analytics that accesses data in a non-indexed format. This system is very effective for answering batches of queries that a researcher may wish to evaluate in bulk on large data sets. We demonstrate our approach using the NTCIR10 Math task, which provides a set of formula patterns and a test data corpus. We showcase a simple data analysis program for answering the given queries. We interpret the patterns as regular expressions and assume that matches to these expressions are also relevant search results to the end-user. Based on the evaluation of our results by mathematicians from Zentralblatt Math and mathematics students from Jacobs University, we conclude that our assumption holds principally with regard to precision and recall. Our work is just a first step towards a well-defined query language and processing system for scientific publications that allows researchers to specify their information need in terms of mathematical formulae and their contexts. We envision that our system can be utilized to realize such a vision.},
author = {Schubotz, Moritz and Leich, Marcus and Markl, Volker},
editor = {Kando, Noriko and Kato, Tsuneaki},
publisher = {National Institute of Informatics {(NII)}},
url = {},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th {NTCIR} Conference on Evaluation of Information Access Technologies, NTCIR-10, National Center of Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, June 18-21, 2013},
date = {2013},
file = {:schubotzLM13.pdf:PDF},
journaltitle = {},
keywords = {math search,mathml,query language,stratosphere,schubotzCV,ntcir,conference,peerreview,preprint},
maintitle = {Querying large Collections of Mathematical Publications},
pages = {667--674},
shorttitle = {Querying large Collections of Mathematical Publications},
title = {Querying Large Collections of Mathematical Publications: {NTCIR10} Math Task},
abstract = {This paper presents an overview of the NTCIR-11 Math-2 Task, which is specifically dedicated to information access to mathematical content. In particular, the paper summarizes the task design, analysis of the submitted runs, and the main approaches deployed by the participating groups. It also contains an introduction to the optional free Wikipediasubtask, a newly introduced mathematical retrieval task using Wikipedia articles.},
author = {Aizawa, Akiko and Kohlhase, Michael and Ounis, Iadh and Schubotz, Moritz},
publisher = {National Institute of Informatics {(NII)}},
url = {},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th {NTCIR} Conference on Evaluation of Information Access Technologies, NTCIR-11, National Center of Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, December 9-12, 2014},
date = {2014},
file = {:01-NTCIR11-OV-MATH-AizawaA.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {content,information access to mathematical,mathml,schubotzCV,conference,NTCIR,preprint},
pages = {88--98},
title = {{NTCIR-11} Math-2 Task Overview},
author = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {L}anger, {S}tefan and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
location = {London, UK},
booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the 3rd {I}nternational {W}orkshop on {M}ining {S}cientific {P}ublications ({WOSP} 2014) at the {ACM}/{IEEE} {J}oint {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({JCDL} 2014)},
date = {2014-09},
doi = {10.1045/november14-beel},
preprint = {},
title = {{T}he {A}rchitecture and {D}atasets of {D}ocear's {R}esearch {P}aper {R}ecommender {S}ystem},
author = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {L}anger, {S}tefan and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {N}uernberger, {A}ndreas},
url = {},
date = {2014-11},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-08786-3_26},
journaltitle = {{D}-{L}ib {M}agazine - {T}he {M}agazine of {D}igital {L}ibrary {R}esearch},
preprint = {},
title = {{T}he {A}rchitecture and {D}atasets of {D}ocear's {R}esearch {P}aper {R}ecommender {S}ystem},
volume = {20},
author = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {L}anger, {S}tefan and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {N}uernberger, {A}ndreas},
editor = {Dimitrova, Vania and Kuflik, Tsvi and Chin, David and Ricci, Francesco and Dolog, Peter and Houben, Geert-Jan},
publisher = {Springer},
booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the 22nd {C}onference on {U}ser {M}odelling, {A}daption, and {P}ersonalization ({UMAP})},
date = {2014},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-08786-3_26},
preprint = {},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
title = {{U}tilizing {M}ind-{M}aps for {I}nformation {R}etrieval and {U}ser {M}odelling},
volume = {8538},
author = {Cohl, Howard S. and McClain, Marjorie A. and Saunders, Bonita V. and Schubotz, Moritz and Williams, Janelle C.},
editor = {Watt, Stephen M. and Davenport, James H. and Sexton, Alan P. and Sojka, Petr and Urban, Josef},
publisher = {Springer},
url = {},
booktitle = {Intelligent Computer Mathematics - International Conference, {CICM} 2014, Coimbra, Portugal, July 7-11, 2014. Proceedings},
date = {2014},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-08434-3_30},
file = {:disCicm14Drmf.pdf:PDF},
preprint = {},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
title = {Digital Repository of Mathematical Formulae},
volume = {8543},
author = {{G}ipp, {B}ela},
institution = {Department of Computer Science, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany},
publisher = {Springer Vieweg Research},
url = {},
date = {2014},
doi = {0.1007/978-3-658-06394-8},
isbn = {978-3-658-06393-1},
preprint = {},
title = {{C}itation-based {P}lagiarism {D}etection - {D}etecting {D}isguised and {C}ross-language {P}lagiarism using {C}itation {P}attern {A}nalysis},
author = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna},
date = {2014},
doi = {10.1002/asi.23228},
journaltitle = {{J}ournal of the {A}merican {S}ociety for {I}nformation {S}cience and {T}echnology {(JASIST)}},
preprint = {},
title = {{C}itation-based {P}lagiarism {D}etection: {P}racticability on a {L}arge-scale {S}cientific {C}orpus},
volume = {65},
author = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna and {P}itman, {J}im and {N}uernberger, {A}ndreas},
location = {Lisbon, Portugal},
booktitle = {{S}pecial {S}ession on {I}nformation {S}ystems {S}ecurity within {P}roceedings of the 16th {I}nternational {C}onference on {E}nterprise {I}nformation {S}ystems ({ICEIS} 2014)},
date = {2014-04},
doi = {10.5220/0004985406770683},
preprint = {},
title = {{W}eb-based {D}emonstration of {S}emantic {S}imilarity {D}etection using {C}itation {P}attern {V}isualization for a {C}ross {L}anguage {P}lagiarism {C}ase},
author = {{M}euschke, {N}orman and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
location = {London, UK},
booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the {IEEE}/{ACM} {I}nternational {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({DL} 2014)},
date = {2014-09},
doi = {10.1109/JCDL.2014.6970168},
preprint = {},
title = {{R}educing {C}omputational {E}ffort for {P}lagiarism {D}etection by using {C}itation {C}haracteristics to {L}imit {R}etrieval {S}pace},
author = {Pagel, Robert and Schubotz, Moritz},
editor = {England, Matthew and Davenport, James H. and Kohlhase, Andrea and Kohlhase, Michael and Libbrecht, Paul and Neuper, Walther and Quaresma, Pedro and Sexton, Alan P. and Sojka, Petr and Urban, Josef and Watt, Stephen M.},
publisher = {},
url = {},
booktitle = {Joint Proceedings of the MathUI, OpenMath and ThEdu Workshops and Work in Progress track at {CICM} co-located with Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics {(CICM} 2014), Coimbra, Portugal, July 7-11, 2014.},
date = {2014},
file = {:disCicm14Mlp.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {schubotzCV,cicm,conference,wip,peerreview,preprint},
series = {{CEUR} Workshop Proceedings},
title = {Mathematical Language Processing Project},
volume = {1186},
author = {Schubotz, Moritz and Wicke, Gabriel},
editor = {Watt, Stephen M. and Davenport, James H. and Sexton, Alan P. and Sojka, Petr and Urban, Josef},
publisher = {Springer},
url = {},
biburl = {},
booktitle = {Intelligent Computer Mathematics - International Conference, {CICM} 2014, Coimbra, Portugal, July 7-11, 2014. Proceedings},
date = {2014},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-08434-3_17},
file = {:disCicm14Mathoid.pdf:PDF},
preprint = {},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
title = {Mathoid: Robust, Scalable, Fast and Accessible Math Rendering for Wikipedia},
volume = {8543},
abstract = {In this paper we evaluate the similarity-measure factors pro- posed by Zhang and Youssef based on the NTCIR-11 gold standard. In contrast to Zhang and Youssef we evaluate them individually. The evaluation indicates that four of five factors are relevant. The fifth factor alone is of lower rele- vance than the other four factors. However, we do not prove that the fifth factor is irrelevant.},
author = {Schubotz, Moritz and Youssef, Abdou and Markl, Volker and Cohl, Howard S. and Li, Jimmy J.},
editor = {Kando, Noriko and Joho, Hideo and Kishida, Kazuaki},
publisher = {National Institute of Informatics {(NII)}},
url = {},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th {NTCIR} Conference on Evaluation of Information Access Technologies, NTCIR-11, National Center of Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, December 9-12, 2014},
date = {2014},
file = {:schubotzYMCL14.pdf:PDF},
maintitle = {Evaluation of Similarity-Measure Factors for Formulae},
shorttitle = {Evaluation of Similarity-Measure Factors for Formulae},
title = {Evaluation of Similarity-Measure Factors for Formulae Based on the {NTCIR-11} Math Task},
author = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {L}anger, {S}tefan and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna},
publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
date = {2015},
doi = {10.1007/s00799-015-0156-0},
issn = {1432-5012},
journaltitle = {{I}nternational {J}ournal on {D}igital {L}ibraries},
keywords = {Recommender system; User modeling; Research paper recommender systems; Content based filtering; Review; Survey,preprint},
preprint = {},
title = {{R}esearch-paper recommender systems: a literature survey},
author = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {L}anger, {S}tefan and {K}apitsaki, {G}eorgia {M}. and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
publisher = {Springer},
booktitle = {{U}ser {M}odeling, {A}daptation and {P}ersonalization - 23rd {I}nternational {C}onference, {UMAP} 2015, {D}ublin, {I}reland},
date = {2015-06},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-20267-9},
isbn = {978-3-319-20266-2},
preprint = {},
series = {Lecture Notes of Computer Science},
title = {{E}xploring the {P}otential of {U}ser {M}odeling based on {M}ind {M}aps},
author = {Cohl, Howard S. and Schubotz, Moritz and McClain, Marjorie A. and Saunders, Bonita V. and Zou, Cherry Y. and Mohammed, Azeem S. and Danoff, Alex A.},
editor = {Kerber, Manfred and Carette, Jacques and Kaliszyk, Cezary and Rabe, Florian and Sorge, Volker},
publisher = {Springer},
booktitle = {Intelligent Computer Mathematics, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 9150},
date = {2015},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-20615-8_18},
file = {:disCicm15.pdf:PDF},
preprint = {},
series = {LNCS},
shorttitle = {{Growing the \gls{drmf} with Generic \LaTeX{} Sources}},
title = {{Growing the Digital Repository of Mathematical Formulae with Generic \LaTeX{} Sources}},
volume = {9150},
author = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {G}ernandt, {A}ndre},
location = {Newport Beach, California},
url = {},
booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the i{C}onference 2015},
date = {2015-03},
preprint = {},
title = {{D}ecentralized {T}rusted {T}imestamping using the {C}rypto {C}urrency {B}itcoin},
author = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {L}ipinski, {M}ario},
location = {Newport Beach, California},
url = {},
booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the i{C}onference 2015},
date = {2015-03},
preprint = {},
title = {{CITREC}: {A}n {E}valuation {F}ramework for {C}itation-{B}ased {S}imilarity {M}easures based on {TREC} {G}enomics and {P}ub{M}ed {C}entral},
author = {Schubotz, Moritz and Youssef, Abdou and Markl, Volker and Cohl, Howard S.},
editor = {Baeza-Yates, Ricardo A. and Lalmas, Mounia and Moffat, Alistair and Ribeiro-Neto, Berthier A.},
location = {Santiago, Chile},
publisher = {ACM},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 38th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval},
date = {2015},
doi = {10.1145/2766462.2767787},
file = {:disSigir15.pdf:PDF},
isbn = {978-1-4503-3621-5},
keywords = {MIR,NTCIR,benchmark,dataset,lateXML,math information retrieval,math search,mathML,mathoid,task,wikipedia,schubotzCV,preprint},
preprint = {},
series = {SIGIR '15},
shorttitle = {Challenges of \gls{mir} in \gls{wmc}},
title = {Challenges of Mathematical Information Retrieval in the {NTCIR-11} Math Wikipedia Task},
abstract = {Numerous recommendation approaches are in use today. However, comparing their effectiveness is a challenging task because evaluation results are rarely reproducible. In this article, we examine the challenge of reproducibility in recommender-system research. We conduct experiments using Plista's news recommender system, and Docear's research-paper recommender system. The experiments show that there are large discrepancies in the effectiveness of identical recommendation approaches in only slightly different scenarios, as well as large discrepancies for slightly different approaches in identical scenarios. For example, in one news-recommendation scenario, the performance of a content-based filtering approach was twice as high as the second-best approach, while in another scenario the same content-based filtering approach was the worst performing approach. We found several determinants that may contribute to the large discrepancies observed in recommendation effectiveness. Determinants we examined include user characteristics (gender and age), datasets, weighting schemes, the time at which recommendations were shown, and user-model size. Some of the determinants have interdependencies. For instance, the optimal size of an algorithms' user model depended on users' age. Since minor variations in approaches and scenarios can lead to significant changes in a recommendation approach's performance, ensuring reproducibility of experimental results is difficult. We discuss these findings and conclude that to ensure reproducibility, the recommender-system community needs to (1) survey other research fields and learn from them, (2) find a common understanding of reproducibility, (3) identify and understand the determinants that affect reproducibility, (4) conduct more comprehensive experiments, (5) modernize publication practices, (6) foster the development and use of recommendation frameworks, and (7) establish best-practice guidelines for recommender-systems research.},
author = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna and {L}anger, {S}tefan and {L}ommatzsch, {A}ndreas and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
date = {2016},
doi = {10.1007/s11257-016-9174-x},
issn = {1573-1391},
journaltitle = {{U}ser {M}odeling and {U}ser-{A}dapted {I}nteraction ({UMUAI})},
preprint = {},
title = {{T}owards reproducibility in recommender-systems research},
volume = {26},
author = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {K}osti, {J}agrut and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna},
location = {Paphos, Cyprus},
booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the 10th {M}editerranean {C}onference on {I}nformation {S}ystems ({MCIS})},
date = {2016-09},
preprint = {},
title = {{Securing Video Integrity Using Decentralized Trusted Timestamping on the Blockchain}},
author = {{H}ofmann, {J}acqueline and {M}ueller, {J}ens and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {R}eiterer, {H}arald},
booktitle = {{H}umans and {C}omputers 2016, {P}roceedings},
date = {2016},
doi = {10.18420/muc2016-mci-0030},
preprint = {},
title = {bibox: {A} {T}angible {A}pproach to {M}otivating {P}articipation in {P}ublic {L}ibraries},
author = {{M}eschenmoser, {P}hilipp and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {H}otz, {M}anuel and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
location = {Newark, New Jersey, USA},
booktitle = {5th {I}nternational {W}orkshop on {M}ining {S}cientific {P}ublications ({WOSP}) held in conjunction with the 16th {ACM}/{IEEE}-{CS} {J}oint {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({JCDL})},
date = {2016},
doi = {10.1045/september2016-meschenmoser},
preprint = {},
title = {Crawling Scientific Repositories},
author = {{M}eschenmoser, {P}hilipp and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {H}otz, {M}anuel and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
date = {2016},
doi = {10.1045/september2016-meschenmoser},
journaltitle = {D-Lib Magazine},
preprint = {},
title = {{S}craping {S}cientific {W}eb {R}epositories: {C}hallenges and {S}olutions for {A}utomated {C}ontent {E}xtraction},
volume = {22},
author = {{S}chubotz, {M}oritz and {G}rigorev, {A}lexey and {L}eich, {M}arcus and {C}ohl, {H}oward {S}. and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {Y}oussef, {A}bdou {S}. and {M}arkl, {V}olker},
location = {Pisa, Italy},
publisher = {ACM},
booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the 39th {I}nt. {ACM} {SIGIR} {C}onference on {R}esearch and {D}evelopment in {I}nformation {R}etrieval},
date = {2016},
doi = {10.1145/2911451.2911503},
file = {:disSigir16.pdf:PDF},
isbn = {978-1-4503-4069-4},
keywords = {MIR,MLP,definitions,identifiers,mathematical information retrieval,mathematical knowledge management,mathematical language processing,mathematics,mathoid,mathosphere,namespace discovery,wikipedia,schubotzCV,preprint},
preprint = {},
series = {SIGIR '16},
shorttitle = {Semantification of Identifiers in Mathematics for \gls{mir}},
title = {{S}emantification of {I}dentifiers in {M}athematics for {B}etter {M}ath {I}nformation {R}etrieval},
author = {Schubotz, Moritz and Meuschke, Norman and Leich, Marcus and Gipp, Bela},
editor = {Kando, Noriko and Sakai, Tetsuya and Sanderson, Mark},
publisher = {National Institute of Informatics {(NII)}},
url = {},
biburl = {},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th {NTCIR} Conference on Evaluation of Information Access Technologies, National Center of Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, June 7-10, 2016},
date = {2016},
file = {disNtcir12.pdf:disNtcir12.pdf:PDF},
preprint = {},
shorttitle = {Exploring the One-Brain-Barrier},
title = {Exploring the One-Brain-Barrier: a Manual Contribution to the NTCIR -12 Math Task},