@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ Die Entwicklung von Systemen zur Zustandsüberwachung findet durch das Konzept d
The development of systems for the monitoring of machines acquired new momentum through the concept of the internet of things. This thesis deals with the usage of sensor networks for the condition monitoring of machines in the framework of the Industry 4.0. To begin with, the principles of sensor networks and the theoretical foundations of condition monitoring are explained. Furthermore, relevant communication protocols for the deployment of wireless sensor networks as well as messaging protocols for an efficient communication are introduced. In addition, the usage of RFID"=Technology in sensor networks is considered. Against this background, concepts for a condition monitoring system are developed based on theoretical considerations. By means of previously defined technical criteria these are evaluated. To ensure the suitability of selected wireless communication protocols these are tested and compared. After this, a description of a practical implementation of a condition monitoring system takes place. Parts thereof are used for a demonstrator which is installed in an industrial plant. The work concludes with a summary of limitations of the system and proposals for further development.
The development of systems for the monitoring of machines acquired new momentum through the concept of the internet of things. This thesis deals with the usage of sensor networks for the condition monitoring of machines in the framework of the Industry 4.0. To begin with, the principles of sensor networks and the theoretical foundations of condition monitoring are explained. Furthermore, relevant communication protocols for the deployment of wireless sensor networks as well as messaging protocols for an efficient communication are introduced. In addition, the usage of RFID"=Technology in sensor networks is considered. Against this background, concepts for a condition monitoring system are developed based on theoretical considerations. By means of previously defined technical criteria these are evaluated. To ensure the suitability of selected wireless communication protocols these are tested and compared. After this, a description of a practical implementation of a condition monitoring system takes place. Parts thereof are used for a demonstrator which is installed in an industrial plant. The work concludes with a summary of limitations of the system and proposals for further development.
%Erzeugt das Inhaltsverzeichnis (inkl. Link in der pdf-Datei)
%%Abbildungs- und Tablellenverzeichnis, bei Bedarf
@@ -70,11 +70,9 @@ $PLR$ & Packet Loss Rate &\SI{}{\percent}
\acro{6LoWPAN}{IPv6 Over Low Power and Lossey Networks}
\acro{ISM-Band}[ISM"=Band]{Industrial, Scientific and Medical Band}
\acroplural{ISM-Band}[ISM"=Bänder]{Industrial, Scientific and Medical Bänder}
\acro{WSN}{Wireless Sensor Network}
\acro{WLAN}{Wireless Local Area Network}
%Schaltet auf arabische Seitenzahlen um.
@@ -82,7 +80,7 @@ $PLR$ & Packet Loss Rate &\SI{}{\percent}
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Diesen Text müsst ihr euch in der *.tex"=Datei anschauen. Den hier, in Kapitel \ref{chap:Ein} werden einige Grundlegen Funktionen erklärt. In Kapitel \ref{chap:Gru} stehen dahingegen nur Unsinn.
@@ -94,7 +92,7 @@ Diesen Text müsst ihr euch in der *.tex"=Datei anschauen. Den hier, in Kapitel
\item [Abkürzungen] Mit dem Package \enquote{acronym} könnte ihr Abkürzungen einführen und recht einfach verwenden. Zum Beispiel: \ac{WSN}. Dieses wird beim nächsten mal automatisch abgekürzt, \ac{WSN}. Es geht auch der Pluar: \ac{ISM-Band} und \acp{ISM-Band}.
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\item [Quellen] Wenn ihr auf eine Quelle in eurem Quellenverzeichnis verweisen wollt, nutzt ihr \enquote{bibgerm}. Das sieht dann so aus \cite{decotignie2009many} oder so \cite{BOOT,michaeli1992einfuhrung}. Unten im Literaturverzeichnis werden dann die Quellen angezeigt. In der Regel werden nur Quellen angezeigt auf die ihr auch verwiesen habt. Hier wird eine *.bib"=Datei verwendet. Dafür gibt es spezielle Editoren, welche euch Arbeit abnehmen. Über \enquote{Google Scholar} lassen sich zu fast allen Quellen der entsprechende Bibtex"=Code laden.
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