A simulation is the imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system over time
Projects with this topic
Python implementation of the algebraic harmonic balance method for second order ordinary differential equations with polynomial coefficients.
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hms++ is a Godunov-type Shallow Water Equations solver with a focus on investigating computational performance. It is written in C++ and fully open-source (GPLv3). Documentation: https://wahyd.gitlab-pages.tu-berlin.de/hmspp/hms/
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Driving Cycle Power Loss Calculation of SiC-MOSFET and Si-IGBT Traction Inverters for Electric Vehicles
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C++ code to simulate a sheared slitpore via Brownian Dynamics code originally taken from Sascha Gerloff and refined/expanded
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Python library (analyzebd) and scripts (visualizebd) to analyze and visualize Brownian Dynamics simulations. Contains additional functionality with simulation codes shearedSlitporeBD and drivenSingleParticle.
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Library and executable to perform simple single-particle simulations