Add possibility for custom cmap in SpectrumSeries, SpectrumSeriesPlot, Plot1DMultiLineSingleAxis, Plot1DSingleAxis, Plot1D
Desired features:
- selectable cbar
- selectable norm
- list of cbar positions?
- cbar position property for existing classes?
Changes needed:
- SpectrumSeries
- SpectrumSeriesPlot
- Plot1DMultiLineSingleAxis
- Plot1DSingleAxis
- Plot1D
templist = []
for key in keys:
tmax = max(templist)
tmin = min(templist)
# set colormap cool
cmap = plt.get_cmap('cool')
# set norm function to norm excitation power for colorbar
norm = Normalize(vmin=tmin, vmax=tmax)
for i,key in enumerate(keys.values):
self.addLine(data.values[i], key, c=cmap(norm(float(key[:3]))))