index 052777f41617b705650c20de495899633874a8a3..510d760ef848b53d7bcf54257ae69e5e1ac969db 100644
@@ -53,14 +53,11 @@ platform in this crate, the next step is to get that sweet, sweet usage from
 crates.io! The only next step is to bump the version of libc and then publish
 it. If you'd like to get a release out ASAP you can follow these steps:
-1. Update the version number in `Cargo.toml`, you'll just be bumping the patch
-   version number.
-2. Run `cargo update` to regenerate the lockfile to encode your version bump in
-   the lock file. You may pull in some other updated dependencies, that's ok.
-3. Send a PR to this repository. It should [look like this][example], but it'd
+1. Increment the patch version number in `Cargo.toml`.
+1. Send a PR to this repository. It should [look like this][example], but it'd
    also be nice to fill out the description with a small rationale for the
    release (any rationale is ok though!)
-4. Once merged the release will be tagged and published by one of the libc crate
+1. Once merged, the release will be tagged and published by one of the libc crate
 [example]: https://github.com/rust-lang/libc/pull/583