diff --git a/ci/run-docker.sh b/ci/run-docker.sh
index 3c0736a265f7bdd042f3315d2dca6ce6085378e0..663128952856f25520f2d8d281536dd7d3092756 100755
--- a/ci/run-docker.sh
+++ b/ci/run-docker.sh
@@ -5,6 +5,13 @@
 set -ex
+# Default to assuming the CARGO_HOME is one directory up (to account for a `bin`
+# subdir) from where the `cargo` binary in `$PATH` lives.
+DEFAULT_CARGO_HOME="$(dirname "$(dirname "$(command -v cargo)")")"
+# If the CARGO_HOME env var is already set, use that. If it isn't set use the
+# default.
 echo "${HOME}"
@@ -26,7 +33,7 @@ run() {
       --env LIBC_CI \
       --env CARGO_HOME=/cargo \
       --env CARGO_TARGET_DIR=/checkout/target \
-      --volume "$(dirname "$(dirname "$(command -v cargo)")")":/cargo \
+      --volume "$CARGO_HOME":/cargo \
       --volume "$(rustc --print sysroot)":/rust:ro \
       --volume "$(pwd)":/checkout:ro \
       --volume "$(pwd)"/target:/checkout/target \