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dbta / Templates and Websites / Thesis Template
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseLaTeX template, can be used for bachelor's thesis/master's thesis/dissertations
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Mitschrift der Vorlesung "Differentialgleichungen I" an der TU Berlin aus dem Wintersemester 2020/21
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BVT-HTBD / KIWI / TF3 / Raman and NIR
MIT LicenseT3.3. Raman: Implementation of mock signals as spectrophotometer is not there yet M3.3.1. Raman: Implementation of mock signals as spectrophotometer is not there yet T3.4 Sensor calibration: correction of on- and at-line signals for correct measureme
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This project is part of the module Advanced Web Technologies at TU Berlin Winterterm 2021/22, Remote Rendering, Group1
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Mitschrift der Vorlesung "Differentialgleichungen I" an der TU Berlin aus dem Wintersemester 2020/21
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sose24-ppds-qp / qp-rs
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0query engine for ppds in sose24
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