Explore projects
An extensive math library for JavaScript and Node.js
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A LaTeX validator/translator for TeX strings embedded in wikitext
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Generating speech descriptions for XML structures
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Moritz Aurel Pascal Schubotz / service-template-node
Apache License 2.0Template for creating MediaWiki Services in Node.js
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Moritz Aurel Pascal Schubotz / formula-cloud-server
Apache License 2.0This is the backbone server implementation for the formulacloud service.
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Ein Projekt im Modul "Projekt Medienerstellung" zur Erweiterung/Verbesserung der Website für den Bachelor-Studiengang Medieninformatik.
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Ermöglicht, einen interaktiven Studienverlaufsplan für die TU Berlin in Pico CMS anzulegen
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MInitiative / PicoCalendar
MIT LicenseEin Kalender-Plugin zur Einbindung von iCal-Kalendern in PicoCMS
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THEMIS (The Helpful Ethics Management for Institutions and Scientists) is an online tool for a simple handling of ethics requests and reviews.
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Enterprise Computing project: Benchmarking MongoDB and CouchDB
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A new reference UI for the Dash JS player
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