Explore projects
Understanding of stress level operationalization on a smartwatch / Frontend Application
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterUpdated -
Board generator in html and javascript for TAIJI (Projekt Künstliche Intelligenz)
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Provides an example app for Crouni: Find out in which study program area a specific TUB module is located.
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reemalrashid / Chess Dataset Generator
MIT LicenseThis is a 3D environment to generate synthetic chess images
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Furkan Tas / bachelor-source-code
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Ein Projekt im Modul "Projekt Medienerstellung" zur Erweiterung/Verbesserung der Website für den Bachelor-Studiengang Medieninformatik.
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Fork of the nextflow source code used for Nicolas Zunker's bachelor thesis (TU Berlin 2021).
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Mirko Lorenz Dietrich / Vortrag Webtechnologien
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalSlides Webtechnologien
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Example plain HTML site using GitLab Pages: https://pages.gitlab.io/plain-html
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heejoon1998 / yoloact
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Here you can find a booksLibrary done with VueJS. It contains about 2500 Books that you can easily search.