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felixmoebius / getrandom
Apache License 2.0Updated -
akt-public / eef-practical-solver-code
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
RBO / Robotics / Panda Mti
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseARCHIVE - ROS stack for lean, direct pd control of the Franka Emika panda robot, including integration of custom hardware.
Forked from mti-engage / panda_mti
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ARCHIVE - Reference implementation of Probabilistic Mechanical Primitives
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RBO / Robotics / Python Phasestatemachine
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseARCHIVE - Implementation of the phase-state machine based on stable heteroclinic channel networks
It provides a dynamical system that behaves like a state machine, but also provides continuous transitions and associated phase variables.
Forked from mti-engag
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RBO / Robotics / Phastapromep
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseARCHIVE - code to tie phasestate machines and Probabilistic Mechanical Primitives into a common ROS-based system, including the teaching app for acquiring observations to learn on
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niklas.wuensche / Compute Diameter And Weak And Strong Degeneracies
Boost Software License 1.0/Compute Diameter And Weak And Strong Degeneracies, part of Master's Thesis of Niklas Wünsche (TU Berlin)
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Jacob Bachmann / dima-et-cli
MIT LicenseDIMA Evaluation Tool - CLI Submit and check the state of your assignments.
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ARCHIVE - An easy-to-run SOFA simulation of the RBO Hand 2.
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felixmoebius / tokio
MIT LicenseA runtime for writing reliable asynchronous applications with Rust. Provides I/O, networking, scheduling, timers, ...
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Matteo Gätzner / isia-tub
MIT LicenseIsia - Downloads all media (pdf, etc.) from ISIS TU-Berlin for offline storage and backup