diff --git a/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/data_aquisition/chars.py b/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/data_aquisition/chars.py
index 7cc435beb49630e9f53f4e0e18fd264049581dd7..cb16d6ab3331a8a541feba62ac2b6e7cd5bb140e 100644
--- a/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/data_aquisition/chars.py
+++ b/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/data_aquisition/chars.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import string
 from itertools import product
 from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union
-from ..type_aliases import Bigram, CharTuple
+from ..type_aliases import Bigram, Char, CharTuple
 class Chars:
@@ -76,3 +76,38 @@ class Chars:
                 "".join(bigram_tuple) for bigram_tuple in product(self.chars, repeat=2)
             return self._bis
+    def remove(self, char: Char):
+        self.chars = self.chars.replace(char, "")
+    @staticmethod
+    def is_bigram(chars: str) -> bool:
+        """Check a character string for length two
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        chars : str
+            string to check for its length
+        Returns
+        -------
+        bool
+            True, if provided string is of length two, False otherwise
+        """
+        return len(chars) == 2
+    @staticmethod
+    def is_monogram(char: str) -> bool:
+        """Check a character string for length one
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        char : str
+            string to check for its length
+        Returns
+        -------
+        bool
+            True, if provided string is of length one, False otherwise
+        """
+        return len(char) == 1
diff --git a/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/data_aquisition/probabilities.py b/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/data_aquisition/probabilities.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a699fd2dd3d24b366e7c16647ccfdf0dfb0f9dca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/data_aquisition/probabilities.py
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+"""This module contains a class representing (special) character counts"""
+__all__ = ["CharProbs"]
+import csv
+import os
+from collections import defaultdict
+from os.path import abspath, basename
+from typing import List, Optional
+from urllib.parse import urlparse
+from urllib.request import urlopen
+from .chars import Chars
+from ..type_aliases import Bigram, Char, ProbDict
+class CharProbs:
+    """Instances represent all relevant (special) character probabilities
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    chars : Chars
+        the set of characters to consider
+    mono_urls : str
+        download URLs for the monogram probabilities including their file name
+    bi_urls : str
+        download URLs for the bigram probabilities including their file name
+    """
+    MONO_URLS: List[str] = [
+        "http://www.ids-mannheim.de/fileadmin/kl/derewo/"
+        "DeReChar-v-uni-204-a-c-2018-02-28-1.0.csv",
+        "https://hg.sr.ht/~arnebab/evolve-keyboard-layout/raw/"
+        "1-gramme.15.txt?rev=tip",
+        "https://hg.sr.ht/~arnebab/evolve-keyboard-layout/raw/"
+        "1-gramme.wiki.txt?rev=tip",
+        "https://hg.sr.ht/~arnebab/evolve-keyboard-layout/raw/1gramme.txt?rev=tip",
+    ]
+    BI_URLS: List[str] = [
+        "https://hg.sr.ht/~arnebab/evolve-keyboard-layout/raw/2-gramme.15.txt?rev=tip",
+        "https://hg.sr.ht/~arnebab/evolve-keyboard-layout/raw/"
+        "2-gramme.wiki.txt?rev=tip",
+        "https://hg.sr.ht/~arnebab/evolve-keyboard-layout/raw/2gramme.txt?rev=tip",
+    ]
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        chars: Chars = None,
+        mono_urls: List[str] = None,
+        bi_urls: List[str] = None,
+    ):
+        self.chars: Optional[str] = None if chars is None else chars.chars
+        self._no_char_restr = self.chars is None
+        self.mono_urls: List[str] = self.MONO_URLS if mono_urls is None else mono_urls
+        self.bi_urls: List[str] = self.BI_URLS if bi_urls is None else bi_urls
+        self.mono_filenames: List[str] = self.download_raw_to_files(self.mono_urls)
+        self.bi_filenames: List[str] = self.download_raw_to_files(self.bi_urls)
+        self._mono_probs = self._extract_monogram_data()
+        self._bi_probs = self._extract_bigram_data()
+    @staticmethod
+    def download_raw_to_file(url: str, overwrite: bool = False) -> str:
+        """Download raw data from a URL
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        url : str
+            download URL including file name
+        overwrite : bool
+            if True a present file gets replaced by the specified file, otherwise
+            (default) local file stays and does not get replaced
+        Returns
+        -------
+        str
+            file name of the raw data on disc extracted from the URL
+        """
+        filename = abspath(basename(urlparse(url).path))
+        if overwrite or not os.path.exists(filename):
+            with urlopen(url) as response, open(filename, "wb") as out_file:
+                downloaded_raw_data = response.read()
+                out_file.write(downloaded_raw_data)
+        return filename
+    @staticmethod
+    def download_raw_to_files(urls: List[str]) -> List[str]:
+        """Download raw data from a URLs
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        urls : list of str
+            download URLs including file names
+        Returns
+        -------
+        list of str
+            files name of the raw data on disc extracted from the URLs
+        """
+        filenames = []
+        for url in urls:
+            filenames.append(CharProbs.download_raw_to_file(url))
+        return filenames
+    def _extract_monogram_data(self) -> ProbDict:
+        mono_probs = defaultdict(float)
+        for mono_filename in self.mono_filenames:
+            new_mono_probs = defaultdict(float)
+            match basename(mono_filename):
+                case "DeReChar-v-uni-204-a-c-2018-02-28-1.0.csv":
+                    new_mono_probs = self._extract_derechar_monos(mono_filename)
+                case "1-gramme.15.txt" | "1-gramme.wiki.txt" | "1gramme.txt":
+                    new_mono_probs = self._extract_arnes_probs(mono_filename)
+            mono_probs = CharProbs._merge_probs(mono_probs, new_mono_probs)
+        return mono_probs
+    def _extract_derechar_monos(self, filename: str) -> ProbDict:
+        chars_left_to_find = Chars(self.chars)
+        with open(filename, encoding="UTF-8") as mono_csv_file:
+            mono_csv_dialect: str = "derechar"
+            csv.register_dialect(
+                mono_csv_dialect, delimiter="	", quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE
+            )
+            reader = csv.DictReader(
+                mono_csv_file,
+                fieldnames=[
+                    "probability",
+                    "absolute_count",
+                    "hexadecimal Unicode code point",
+                    "decimal value corresponding to the code",
+                    "unicode general category",
+                    "glyph",
+                    "name of the symbol",
+                    "unicode block designation",
+                ],
+                dialect=mono_csv_dialect,
+            )
+            total_sum: float = 0.0
+            mono_probs_per_hex_code: ProbDict = defaultdict(float)
+            for row in reader:
+                try:
+                    probability = float(row["probability"])
+                except ValueError:
+                    continue
+                assert probability
+                if self._no_char_restr or row["glyph"] in self.chars:
+                    mono_probs_per_hex_code[
+                        row["hexadecimal Unicode code point"]
+                    ] = probability
+                    assert mono_probs_per_hex_code[
+                        row["hexadecimal Unicode code point"]
+                    ] == float(row["probability"])
+                    total_sum += probability
+                    if chars_left_to_find is not None:
+                        chars_left_to_find.remove(row["glyph"])
+                assert total_sum == sum(mono_probs_per_hex_code.values())
+                if chars_left_to_find is not None and not chars_left_to_find.chars:
+                    break
+        if self._no_char_restr:
+            assert CharProbs._almost_equal_to_one(total_sum)
+            assert len(mono_probs_per_hex_code) == reader.line_num - 2
+            del mono_probs_per_hex_code[""]
+            assert len(mono_probs_per_hex_code) == reader.line_num - 3
+        else:
+            assert total_sum <= 1.0
+            assert len(mono_probs_per_hex_code) == len(self.chars)
+        mono_probs_per_hex_code = CharProbs.strip_and_normalize_probs(
+            mono_probs_per_hex_code
+        )
+        assert CharProbs._almost_equal_to_one(sum(mono_probs_per_hex_code.values()))
+        mono_probs: ProbDict = defaultdict(float)
+        for code, prob in mono_probs_per_hex_code.items():
+            mono_probs[chr(int(code[2:], 16))] = prob
+        assert CharProbs._almost_equal_to_one(sum(mono_probs.values()))
+        return mono_probs
+    @staticmethod
+    def _almost_equal_to_one(number: float) -> bool:
+        return round(number, 8) == 1.0
+    @staticmethod
+    def _merge_probs(probs_origin: ProbDict, probs_to_merge: ProbDict) -> ProbDict:
+        for char, prob in probs_to_merge.items():
+            probs_origin[char] += prob
+        normed_and_stripped_probs = CharProbs.strip_and_normalize_probs(probs_origin)
+        assert not normed_and_stripped_probs or CharProbs._almost_equal_to_one(
+            sum(normed_and_stripped_probs.values())
+        )
+        return normed_and_stripped_probs
+    @staticmethod
+    def strip_and_normalize_probs(probs: ProbDict) -> ProbDict:
+        """Strip from all zero elements and ensure values sum up to one
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        probs : ProbDict
+            the dictionary of probabilities
+        Returns
+        -------
+        ProbDict
+            the stripped and normalized dict, in which the elements' values are
+            guaranteed to sum up to one and no zeros are left
+        """
+        absolute_sum = sum(probs.values())
+        stripped_and_normalized_probs = defaultdict(float)
+        for char, count in probs.items():
+            if count != 0:
+                stripped_and_normalized_probs[char] = count / absolute_sum
+        return stripped_and_normalized_probs
+    def _extract_arnes_probs(self, filename: str) -> ProbDict:
+        if CharProbs._currently_processing_bigrams(filename):
+            chars_left_to_find = set(Chars(self.chars).bis)
+        else:
+            chars_left_to_find = set(Chars(self.chars).monos)
+        with open(filename, encoding="utf-8-sig") as txt_file:
+            total_sum: int = 0
+            probs: ProbDict = defaultdict(int)
+            for row in txt_file:
+                count_and_glyphs: List[str, str] = (
+                    row.lstrip().rstrip("\n").split(" ", 1)
+                )
+                if CharProbs._should_be_bigram_but_is_not(
+                    count_and_glyphs[1], filename
+                ) or CharProbs._is_replace_char(count_and_glyphs[1]):
+                    continue
+                assert (
+                    Chars.is_bigram(count_and_glyphs[1])
+                    if CharProbs._currently_processing_bigrams(filename)
+                    else Chars.is_monogram(count_and_glyphs[1])
+                )
+                assert isinstance(count_and_glyphs, list)
+                assert len(count_and_glyphs) == 2
+                try:
+                    count = int(count_and_glyphs[0])
+                except ValueError:
+                    continue
+                if self._no_char_restr or (
+                    count_and_glyphs[1][0] in self.chars
+                    and count_and_glyphs[1][-1] in self.chars
+                ):
+                    probs[count_and_glyphs[1]] = count
+                    total_sum += count
+                    assert probs[count_and_glyphs[1]] == int(count_and_glyphs[0])
+                    if chars_left_to_find is not None:
+                        chars_left_to_find.discard(count_and_glyphs[1])
+                assert total_sum == sum(probs.values())
+                if chars_left_to_find is not None and not chars_left_to_find:
+                    break
+        normed_and_stripped_probs = CharProbs.strip_and_normalize_probs(probs)
+        assert CharProbs._almost_equal_to_one(sum(normed_and_stripped_probs.values()))
+        return normed_and_stripped_probs
+    @staticmethod
+    def _should_be_bigram_but_is_not(glyphs: Bigram, filename: str) -> bool:
+        return "2" in basename(filename) and len(glyphs) == 1
+    @staticmethod
+    def _is_replace_char(glyphs: Char | Bigram) -> bool:
+        return "65533" in " ".join(str(ord(char)) for char in glyphs)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _currently_processing_bigrams(filename: str) -> bool:
+        return "2" in basename(filename)
+    def _extract_bigram_data(self) -> ProbDict:
+        bi_probs = defaultdict(float)
+        for bi_filename in self.bi_filenames:
+            bi_probs = CharProbs._merge_probs(
+                bi_probs, self._extract_arnes_probs(bi_filename)
+            )
+        return bi_probs
+    @property
+    def mono_probs(self) -> ProbDict:
+        """The probabilities for all single (special) characters"""
+        return self._mono_probs
+    @property
+    def bi_probs(self) -> ProbDict:
+        """The bigram probabilities for all (special) character pairs"""
+        return self._bi_probs
diff --git a/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/receive_data.py b/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/receive_data.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4841175717d9e174051beb09f0de27725aa70200..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/receive_data.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-"""This module contains a class representing (special) character counts"""
-__all__ = ["CharProbs"]
-import csv
-from math import comb
-from os.path import abspath, basename
-from typing import Optional
-from urllib.request import urlopen
-from src.ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization.type_aliases import CharSet, CharTuple
-class CharProbs:
-    """Instances represent all relevant (special) character probabilities
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    mono_url : str
-        download URL for the monogram probabilities including the file name
-    bi_url : str
-        download URL for the bigram probabilities including the file name
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        chars: CharTuple = None,
-        mono_url: str = "http://www.ids-mannheim.de/fileadmin/kl/derewo/"
-        "DeReChar-v-uni-204-a-c-2018-02-28-1.0.csv",
-        bi_url: str = "http://practicalcryptography.com/media/cryptanalysis/files/"
-        "german_bigrams.txt",
-    ):
-        self.chars: Optional[CharSet] = None if chars is None else set(chars)
-        self.mono_url: str = mono_url
-        self.bi_url: str = bi_url
-        self.mono_filename: str = self.download_raw_to_file(self.mono_url)
-        self.bi_filename: str = self.download_raw_to_file(self.bi_url)
-        self._mono_probs = self._extract_monogram_data()
-        self._bi_probs = self._extract_bigram_data()
-    @staticmethod
-    def download_raw_to_file(url: str) -> str:
-        """Download raw data from a URL
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        url : str
-            download URL including file name
-        Returns
-        -------
-        str
-            file name of the raw data on disc extracted from the URL
-        """
-        filename = abspath(basename(url))
-        with urlopen(url) as response, open(filename, "wb") as out_file:
-            downloaded_raw_data = response.read()
-            out_file.write(downloaded_raw_data)
-        return filename
-    def _extract_monogram_data(self) -> dict[str, float]:
-        with open(self.mono_filename, encoding="UTF-8") as mono_csv_file:
-            mono_csv_dialect: str = "derechar"
-            csv.register_dialect(
-                mono_csv_dialect, delimiter="	", quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE
-            )
-            reader = csv.DictReader(
-                mono_csv_file,
-                fieldnames=[
-                    "probability",
-                    "absolute_count",
-                    "hexadecimal Unicode code point",
-                    "decimal value corresponding to the code",
-                    "unicode general category",
-                    "glyph",
-                    "name of the symbol",
-                    "unicode block designation",
-                ],
-                dialect=mono_csv_dialect,
-            )
-            total_sum: float = 0.0
-            mono_probs: dict[str, float] = {}
-            for row in reader:
-                try:
-                    probability = float(row["probability"])
-                except ValueError:
-                    continue
-                total_sum += probability
-                if self.chars is None or row["glyph"] in self.chars:
-                    mono_probs[row["glyph"]] = probability
-                    assert mono_probs[row["glyph"]] == float(row["probability"])
-        assert round(total_sum, 8) == 1.0 if self.chars is None else total_sum <= 1.0
-        assert (
-            len(mono_probs) == reader.line_num - 4
-            if self.chars is None
-            else len(self.chars)
-        )
-        return mono_probs
-    def _extract_bigram_data(self) -> dict[str, float]:
-        bi_txt_dialect: str = "jamestxt"
-        csv.register_dialect(bi_txt_dialect, delimiter=" ")
-        with open(self.bi_filename, encoding="UTF-8") as bi_csv_file:
-            reader = csv.DictReader(
-                bi_csv_file,
-                fieldnames=[
-                    "bigram",
-                    "absolute_count",
-                ],
-                dialect=bi_txt_dialect,
-            )
-            bi_probs: dict[str, float] = {}
-            for row in reader:
-                try:
-                    absolute_count = int(row["absolute_count"])
-                except ValueError:
-                    continue
-                assert len(row["bigram"]) == 2
-                if self.chars is None or (
-                    row["bigram"][0] in self.chars and row["bigram"][1] in self.chars
-                ):
-                    bi_probs[row["bigram"]] = absolute_count
-        absolute_sum = sum(bi_probs.values())
-        for character, count in bi_probs.items():
-            bi_probs[character] = count / absolute_sum
-        assert round(sum(bi_probs.values()), 8) == 1
-        assert len(bi_probs) == reader.line_num or len(bi_probs) <= comb(
-            reader.line_num, 2
-        )
-        return bi_probs
-    @property
-    def mono_probs(self):
-        """The probabilities for all single (special) characters"""
-        return self._mono_probs
-    @property
-    def bi_probs(self):
-        """The bigram probabilities for all (special) character pairs"""
-        return self._bi_probs
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    CharProbs(
-        None,
-        "http://www.ids-mannheim.de/fileadmin/kl/derewo/"
-        "DeReChar-v-uni-204-a-c-2018-02-28-1.0.csv",
-        "http://practicalcryptography.com/media/cryptanalysis/files/"
-        "german_bigrams.txt",
-    )
diff --git a/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/type_aliases.py b/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/type_aliases.py
index 1eb2b5db5aa09d43afb9abe2a04d66e3809fdae6..6160ee22f3d0527b7de5f13a5ea6c9ce5f3fef1c 100644
--- a/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/type_aliases.py
+++ b/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/type_aliases.py
@@ -5,17 +5,19 @@ __all__ = [
-    "CharSet",
+    "ProbDict",
+from collections import defaultdict
 Char = str
 """A (special) character"""
 Pos = str
@@ -28,8 +30,6 @@ PosPair = tuple[Pos, Pos]
 """A tuple of two positions"""
 CharTuple = tuple[Char, ...]
 """A tuple of several (special) characters"""
-CharSet = set[Char]
-"""A set of several (special) characters"""
 PosTuple = tuple[Pos, ...]
 """A tuple of several positions"""
 LinCosts = dict[CharPosPair, float]
@@ -42,3 +42,5 @@ LinVars = dict[CharPosPair, bool]
 """A dictionary of binary decisions of assigning (special) characters to positions"""
 QuadVars = dict[CharPosQuadruple, bool]
 """A dictionary of binary vars assigning two (special) characters to two positions"""
+ProbDict = defaultdict[Char | Bigram, float]
+"""A dictionary of probabilities, defaulting to zero"""
diff --git a/test/test_chars.py b/test/test_chars.py
index 210849769b3bc54f5700460e358cd0a0f9f367eb..4ef553b2fbb465c0b661ca81754da8d7be68f54d 100644
--- a/test/test_chars.py
+++ b/test/test_chars.py
@@ -64,6 +64,23 @@ def test_chars_monograms():
     assert Chars().monos
+def test_chars_method_remove():
+    assert Chars().remove
+def test_chars_method_remove_call_with_parameter():
+    test_chars = Chars()
+    assert test_chars.remove(test_chars.chars[0]) is None
+def test_chars_method_remove_result():
+    test_chars = Chars()
+    first_char = test_chars.chars[0]
+    assert first_char in test_chars.chars
+    test_chars.remove(test_chars.chars[0])
+    assert first_char not in test_chars.chars
 def test_chars_monograms_multiple_times():
     test_chars = Chars()
     first_time_monos = test_chars.monos
@@ -146,3 +163,36 @@ def test_chars_bigrams_after_resetting():
         assert bigram in second_bigram_list
     assert not second_bigram_list
+def test_attribute_is_bigram():
+    assert Chars.is_bigram
+@given(hst.text(min_size=2, max_size=2))
+def test_attribute_is_bigram(chars):
+    assert Chars.is_bigram(chars)
+@given(hst.text(min_size=1, max_size=1))
+def test_attribute_is_too_short_for_bigram(chars):
+    assert not Chars.is_bigram(chars)
+@given(hst.text(min_size=3, max_size=10))
+def test_attribute_is_too_long_for_bigram(chars):
+    assert not Chars.is_bigram(chars)
+def test_attribute_is_monogram():
+    assert Chars.is_monogram
+@given(hst.text(min_size=1, max_size=1))
+def test_attribute_is_monogram(char):
+    assert Chars.is_monogram(char)
+@given(hst.text(min_size=2, max_size=10))
+def test_attribute_is_not_monogram(chars):
+    assert not Chars.is_monogram(chars)
diff --git a/test/test_probabilities.py b/test/test_probabilities.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..314cf2284f182b7f95d4a0a38e665ee96b11f689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_probabilities.py
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+import os
+from collections import defaultdict
+from typing import Callable, List
+from urllib.request import urlopen
+import pytest
+from hypothesis import given, strategies as hst
+from hypothesis.strategies import composite
+from ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization.data_aquisition.chars import Chars
+from ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization.data_aquisition.probabilities import CharProbs
+from ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization.type_aliases import ProbDict
+def chars_probs():
+    return CharProbs()
+def probs(draw: Callable):
+    numbers = defaultdict(int)
+    for key in range(draw(hst.integers(min_value=1, max_value=100))):
+        numbers[key] = draw(hst.integers(min_value=1))
+    normalized_numbers = CharProbs.strip_and_normalize_probs(numbers)
+    return normalized_numbers
+def default_probs():
+    return defaultdict(int)
+def mono_url():
+    return "https://hg.sr.ht/~arnebab/evolve-keyboard-layout/raw/1gramme.txt?rev=tip"
+def bi_url():
+    return "https://hg.sr.ht/~arnebab/evolve-keyboard-layout/raw/2gramme.txt?rev=tip"
+def custom_chars_probs(mono_url, bi_url):
+    return CharProbs(Chars("ABC"), [mono_url], [bi_url])
+def test_class_attribute_mono_urls():
+    assert CharProbs.MONO_URLS
+def test_class_attribute_bi_urls():
+    assert CharProbs.BI_URLS
+def test_static_download_method():
+    assert CharProbs.download_raw_to_file
+def test_static_downloads_method():
+    assert CharProbs.download_raw_to_files
+def test_class_method_merge_probs():
+    assert CharProbs._merge_probs
+@given(probs(), probs())
+def test_class_method_merge_probs(probs_1, probs_2):
+    assert CharProbs._merge_probs(probs_1, probs_2)
+@given(probs(), probs())
+def test_class_method_merge_probs(probs_1, probs_2):
+    assert sum(CharProbs._merge_probs(probs_1, probs_2).values()) == pytest.approx(1)
+def test_class_method_merge_with_default_probs(default_probs, probs_2):
+    assert CharProbs._merge_probs(default_probs, probs_2)
+def test_class_method_merge_with_default_probs(default_probs, probs_2):
+    assert sum(
+        CharProbs._merge_probs(default_probs, probs_2).values()
+    ) == pytest.approx(1)
+def test_class_method_almost_equal_to_one():
+    assert CharProbs._almost_equal_to_one
+def test_class_method_normalize_probs():
+    assert CharProbs.strip_and_normalize_probs
+def test_class_method_strip_and_normalize_probs_sums_up_to_one():
+    test_dict = {str(integer): integer for integer in range(5)}
+    assert sum(CharProbs.strip_and_normalize_probs(test_dict).values()) == 1.0
+def test_class_method_strip_and_normalize_probs_stripped_from_zeros():
+    test_dict = {str(integer): integer for integer in range(5)}
+    assert "0" not in set(CharProbs.strip_and_normalize_probs(test_dict).keys())
+def test_init_attribute_chars(custom_chars_probs):
+    assert custom_chars_probs.chars
+def test_init_attribute_mono_urls(chars_probs):
+    assert chars_probs.mono_urls
+def test_init_attribute_bi_urls(chars_probs):
+    assert chars_probs.bi_urls
+def test_init_attribute_mono_filenames(chars_probs):
+    assert chars_probs.mono_filenames
+def test_init_attribute_bi_filenames(chars_probs):
+    assert chars_probs.bi_filenames
+def test_init_attribute_download_function(chars_probs):
+    assert chars_probs.download_raw_to_file
+def test_download_function_result(custom_chars_probs, bi_url):
+    file = custom_chars_probs.download_raw_to_file(bi_url)
+    assert os.path.exists(file)
+def test_download_function_type(custom_chars_probs, bi_url):
+    assert isinstance(custom_chars_probs.download_raw_to_file(bi_url), str)
+def test_downloads_function_result(custom_chars_probs, bi_url, mono_url):
+    files = custom_chars_probs.download_raw_to_files([bi_url, mono_url])
+    for file in files:
+        assert os.path.exists(file)
+def test_downloads_function_type(custom_chars_probs, bi_url, mono_url):
+    assert isinstance(
+        custom_chars_probs.download_raw_to_files([bi_url, mono_url]), list
+    )
+def test_init_attribute_downloads_function(custom_chars_probs):
+    assert custom_chars_probs.download_raw_to_files
+def test_init_attribute_extract_monogram_data(chars_probs):
+    assert chars_probs._extract_monogram_data
+def test_init_attribute_extract_bigram_data(chars_probs):
+    assert chars_probs._extract_bigram_data
+def test_init_attribute_mono_probs(chars_probs):
+    assert chars_probs.mono_probs
+def test_init_attribute_bi_probs(chars_probs):
+    assert chars_probs.bi_probs
+def test_init_attribute_currently_processing_bigrams():
+    assert CharProbs._currently_processing_bigrams
+def test_init_attribute_currently_processing_bigrams_result_for_bigram(bi_url):
+    assert CharProbs._currently_processing_bigrams(bi_url)
+def test_init_attribute_currently_processing_bigrams_result_for_monogram(mono_url):
+    assert not CharProbs._currently_processing_bigrams(mono_url)
+def test_init_attribute_bi_probs_type(custom_chars_probs):
+    assert isinstance(custom_chars_probs.bi_probs, ProbDict.__origin__)
+def test_init_attribute_mono_probs_type(custom_chars_probs):
+    assert isinstance(custom_chars_probs.mono_probs, ProbDict.__origin__)
+def test_init_attribute_bi_probs_sum_up_to_one(custom_chars_probs):
+    assert sum(custom_chars_probs.bi_probs.values()) == pytest.approx(1)
+def test_init_attribute_mono_probs_sum_up_to_one(custom_chars_probs):
+    assert sum(custom_chars_probs.mono_probs.values()) == pytest.approx(1)
+def test_init_attribute_chars_type(custom_chars_probs):
+    assert custom_chars_probs.chars
+def test_init_attribute_extract_derechar_monos(chars_probs):
+    filename = [
+        filename
+        for filename in chars_probs.mono_filenames
+        if "DeReChar-v-uni-204-a-c-2018-02-28-1.0.csv" in filename
+    ][0]
+    assert isinstance(
+        chars_probs._extract_derechar_monos(filename), ProbDict.__origin__
+    )
+def test_init_attribute_extract_derechar_sum_up_to_one(chars_probs):
+    filename = [
+        filename
+        for filename in chars_probs.mono_filenames
+        if "DeReChar-v-uni-204-a-c-2018-02-28-1.0.csv" in filename
+    ][0]
+    assert sum(chars_probs._extract_derechar_monos(filename).values()) == pytest.approx(
+        1
+    )
+def test_init_attribute_extract_arnes_monos(chars_probs):
+    assert chars_probs._extract_arnes_probs
+    "basename", ["1-gramme.15.txt", "1-gramme.wiki.txt", "1gramme.txt"]
+def test_init_attribute_extract_arnes_monos_type(basename, chars_probs):
+    filename = [
+        filename for filename in chars_probs.mono_filenames if basename in filename
+    ][0]
+    assert isinstance(chars_probs._extract_arnes_probs(filename), ProbDict.__origin__)
+    "basename", ["1-gramme.15.txt", "1-gramme.wiki.txt", "1gramme.txt"]
+def test_init_attribute_extract_arnes_monos_sum_up_to_one(basename, chars_probs):
+    filename = [
+        filename for filename in chars_probs.mono_filenames if basename in filename
+    ][0]
+    assert sum(chars_probs._extract_arnes_probs(filename).values()) == pytest.approx(1)
+def test_init_default_monogram_file_download(chars_probs):
+    compare_files_contents_to_http_responses(
+        chars_probs.mono_filenames, chars_probs.mono_urls
+    )
+def compare_files_contents_to_http_responses(filenames: List[str], urls: List[str]):
+    for filename in filenames:
+        assert os.path.exists(filename)
+    for url, filename in zip(urls, filenames):
+        with urlopen(url) as response, open(filename) as file:
+            assert file.read() == response.read().decode().replace("\r\n", "\n")
+def test_init_custom_monogram_file_download(custom_chars_probs):
+    compare_files_contents_to_http_responses(
+        custom_chars_probs.mono_filenames, custom_chars_probs.mono_urls
+    )
+def test_init_default_bigram_file_download(chars_probs):
+    compare_files_contents_to_http_responses(
+        chars_probs.bi_filenames, chars_probs.bi_urls
+    )
+def test_init_custom_bigram_file_download(custom_chars_probs):
+    compare_files_contents_to_http_responses(
+        custom_chars_probs.bi_filenames, custom_chars_probs.bi_urls
+    )
+def test_init_extract_monogram_data(chars_probs):
+    assert chars_probs._extract_monogram_data()
+def test_init_extract_bigram_data(chars_probs):
+    assert chars_probs._extract_bigram_data()
+def test_init_custom_bigram_data(custom_chars_probs):
+    bi_probs = custom_chars_probs.bi_probs
+    assert (
+        "AA" in bi_probs
+        and "AB" in bi_probs
+        and "BB" in bi_probs
+        and "BA" in bi_probs
+        and "AC" in bi_probs
+        and "BC" in bi_probs
+        and "CC" in bi_probs
+        and "CA" in bi_probs
+        and "CB" in bi_probs
+    )
+def test_init_custom_monogram_data(custom_chars_probs):
+    mono_probs = custom_chars_probs.mono_probs
+    assert "A" in mono_probs and "B" in mono_probs and "C" in mono_probs
+def test_almost_equal_to_one_too_big():
+    assert not CharProbs._almost_equal_to_one(1.00000001)
+def test_almost_equal_to_one_too_small():
+    assert not CharProbs._almost_equal_to_one(0.99999999)
+def test_almost_equal_to_one_just_as_small():
+    assert CharProbs._almost_equal_to_one(0.999999999)
+def test_almost_equal_to_one_just_as_big():
+    assert CharProbs._almost_equal_to_one(1.000000001)
+def test_attr_is_replace_char():
+    assert CharProbs._is_replace_char
+def test_attr_is_replace_char():
+    assert CharProbs._should_be_bigram_but_is_not
+def test_attr_is_replace_char(bi_url, char):
+    assert CharProbs._should_be_bigram_but_is_not(char, bi_url)
+@given(hst.text(min_size=2, max_size=10))
+def test_attr_is_replace_char(bi_url, chars):
+    assert not CharProbs._should_be_bigram_but_is_not(chars, bi_url)
+def test_is_replace_char():
+    assert CharProbs._is_replace_char(chr(65533))
+def test_is_not_replace_char(char):
+    assert not CharProbs._is_replace_char(char)
diff --git a/test/test_receive_data.py b/test/test_receive_data.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e7e193c443424b28b6fbf880828e0d2fb8b3502..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test/test_receive_data.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-import os
-from urllib.request import urlopen
-import pytest
-from src.ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization.receive_data import CharProbs
-def characters_count():
-    return CharProbs()
-def characters_count_custom():
-    return CharProbs(
-        ("A", "B", "C"),
-        "http://www.ids-mannheim.de/fileadmin/kl/derewo/"
-        "DeReChar-v-uni-204-a-c-2018-02-28-1.0.csv",
-        "http://practicalcryptography.com/media/cryptanalysis/files/"
-        "german_bigrams.txt",
-    )
-def test_init_attribute_chars(characters_count_custom):
-    assert characters_count_custom.chars
-def test_init_attribute_mono_url(characters_count):
-    assert characters_count.mono_url
-def test_init_attribute_bi_url(characters_count):
-    assert characters_count.bi_url
-def test_init_attribute_mono_filename(characters_count):
-    assert characters_count.mono_filename
-def test_init_attribute_bi_filename(characters_count):
-    assert characters_count.bi_filename
-def test_init_attribute_download_function(characters_count):
-    assert characters_count.download_raw_to_file
-def test_init_attribute_extract_monogram_data(characters_count):
-    assert characters_count._extract_monogram_data
-def test_init_attribute_extract_bigram_data(characters_count):
-    assert characters_count._extract_bigram_data
-def test_init_attribute_mono_probs(characters_count):
-    assert characters_count.mono_probs
-def test_init_attribute_bi_probs(characters_count):
-    assert characters_count.bi_probs
-def test_init_default_monogram_file_download(characters_count):
-    assert os.path.exists(characters_count.mono_filename)
-    with urlopen(characters_count.mono_url) as response, open(
-        characters_count.mono_filename
-    ) as file:
-        assert file.read() == response.read().decode()
-def test_init_custom_monogram_file_download(characters_count_custom):
-    with urlopen(characters_count_custom.mono_url) as response, open(
-        characters_count_custom.mono_filename
-    ) as file:
-        assert file.read() == response.read().decode()
-def test_init_default_bigram_file_download(characters_count):
-    assert os.path.exists(characters_count.bi_filename)
-    with urlopen(characters_count.bi_url) as response, open(
-        characters_count.bi_filename
-    ) as file:
-        assert file.read() == response.read().decode()
-def test_init_extract_monogram_data(characters_count):
-    assert characters_count._extract_monogram_data()
-def test_init_extract_bigram_data(characters_count):
-    assert characters_count._extract_bigram_data()
-def test_init_custom_bigram_data(characters_count_custom):
-    assert (
-        "AA" in characters_count_custom.bi_probs
-        and "AB" in characters_count_custom.bi_probs.keys()
-        and "BB" in characters_count_custom.bi_probs
-        and "BA" in characters_count_custom.bi_probs
-        and "AC" in characters_count_custom.bi_probs
-        and "BC" in characters_count_custom.bi_probs
-        and "CC" in characters_count_custom.bi_probs
-        and "CA" in characters_count_custom.bi_probs
-        and "CB" in characters_count_custom.bi_probs
-    )
diff --git a/test/test_types.py b/test/test_types.py
index a1601f66d6c8d8e915243cfb5044db6eecafd3be..a3e2385b1fd3192ff446fe8eae1bdfde8b7b8e36 100644
--- a/test/test_types.py
+++ b/test/test_types.py
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+from collections import defaultdict
 from ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization.costs import FreqTuple
 from ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization.type_aliases import (
@@ -5,11 +7,12 @@ from ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization.type_aliases import (
+    LinCosts,
+    LinVars,
-    LinCosts,
-    LinVars,
+    ProbDict,
@@ -66,3 +69,7 @@ def test_quad_costs():
 def test_quad_vars():
     assert QuadVars == dict[CharPosQuadruple, bool]
+def test_prob_dict():
+    assert ProbDict == defaultdict[Char | Bigram, float]