diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 07996c07c8a935e80d3b2f1d14cbdfd7f02864d0..8b88dbb58be5aec5b83361484153dee3def8cfb3 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 98a6b6643779b5fadf10d347914bd54f75353bcf..0bc9c3756db13b0f0dcf908e238ac675867996fd 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -22,15 +22,16 @@ actual code can then be found in the [_src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization_ sub
 We included [a bash script _pull_and_optimize.sh_
 in our codebase to streamline a remote development workflow. We work on the code on a 
-computer, that is well equipped for that task. The committed and pushed code then 
+computer, that is well-equipped for that task. The committed and pushed code then 
 gets processed on another machine, which uses this script, to update its code base 
-and run the parameters handed over. It is designed to have the Python script name 
-for execution with a Python interpreter and PySCIPOpt as the only parameter, e.g.
+and run the parameters handed over. It is designed to be called without parameters
+to execute the _optimize_ module of the [latest version released on Test.PyPI.org
-$ ./pull_and_optimize.sh ilp_optimize.py
+$ ./pull_and_optimize.sh
 The execution requires the Docker image of our repository [docker_pyscipopt
-](https://github.com/BjoernLudwigPTB/docker_pyscipopt) to be built in advance but it 
+](https://github.com/BjoernLudwigPTB/docker_pyscipopt) to be built in advance, but it 
 could be easily adapted for a local installation of the SCIP Optimization Suite.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dev-requirements.in b/dev-requirements.in
index 4982ff8cc31d04a06d02cb2839b5c05d2fbcbaa6..dcf4dd60d3b060e766f7c043a304c95b8e293aee 100644
--- a/dev-requirements.in
+++ b/dev-requirements.in
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
 -c requirements.txt
diff --git a/dev-requirements.txt b/dev-requirements.txt
index 4f402bbe76d991b295ffa2926ed4681f02262348..6f203abb14dbd812f2d236c46142f2ce2d719d0c 100644
--- a/dev-requirements.txt
+++ b/dev-requirements.txt
@@ -7,8 +7,10 @@
     # via pylint
-    # via pytest
+    # via
+    #   hypothesis
+    #   pytest
     # via -r dev-requirements.in
     # via readme-renderer
@@ -18,7 +20,7 @@ certifi==2021.10.8
     # via requests
     # via cryptography
     # via requests
     # via black
@@ -28,9 +30,11 @@ cryptography==36.0.1
     # via secretstorage
     # via readme-renderer
+    # via -r dev-requirements.in
     # via requests
     # via
     #   keyring
     #   twine
@@ -65,7 +69,7 @@ pep517==0.12.0
     # via build
     # via twine
     # via
     #   black
     #   pylint
@@ -79,9 +83,9 @@ pygments==2.11.2
     # via readme-renderer
     # via -r dev-requirements.in
     # via packaging
     # via -r dev-requirements.in
     # via twine
@@ -97,26 +101,27 @@ secretstorage==3.3.1
     # via keyring
     # via bleach
+    # via hypothesis
-    # via
-    #   pylint
-    #   pytest
+    # via pylint
     # via
     #   black
     #   build
     #   mypy
     #   pep517
+    #   pytest
     # via twine
     # via -r dev-requirements.in
-    # via
-    #   black
-    #   mypy
+    # via mypy
-    # via requests
+    # via
+    #   requests
+    #   twine
     # via bleach
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile b/docker/Dockerfile
index 1f18f658fc05262b4f563dad4c7e9fa21e9f6f2c..b70efcd183d00ac2bdec0f82b75250426938a665 100644
--- a/docker/Dockerfile
+++ b/docker/Dockerfile
@@ -1,10 +1,19 @@
-FROM pyscipopt:4.0.0
+FROM pyscipopt:4.0.0 AS optimizer
 USER root
 RUN python -m pip install --upgrade \
     pip \
-    -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/  \
-        ilp-keyboard-layout-optimization
+    ilp-keyboard-layout-optimization
 USER user
+FROM optimizer as tester
+USER root
+RUN python -m pip install --upgrade \
+    ilp-keyboard-layout-optimization[test]
+USER user
diff --git a/pull_and_optimize.sh b/pull_and_optimize.sh
index 2f718bb008819e9a3066e4b64d9206e0d0a7a5c5..fb2aafe1b6c85600c82d18e6603441a636fa5108 100755
--- a/pull_and_optimize.sh
+++ b/pull_and_optimize.sh
@@ -2,9 +2,19 @@
 # This script was written to streamline a remote development workflow. We work on the
 # code on a computer, that is well equipped for that task. The committed and pushed
 # code then gets processed on another machine, which uses this script, to update its
-# code base and run the parameters handed over. It is designed to have the script
-# name for execution with a Python interpreter and PySCIPOpt as the only parameter, e.g.
-# $ ./pull_and_optimize.sh ilp_optimize.py
+# code base and run the parameters handed over. It is designed to be called without
+# parameters to execute the optimize module of the latest version released on
+# Test.PyPI.org.
+# $ ./pull_and_optimize.sh
+# Alternatively you could invoke any other command in the Python interpreter by
+# appending any command, normally appended to 'python <YOUR_COMMAND>' to the script.
+# i.e.
+# $ ./pull_and_optimize.sh -m pytest
 # The execution requires the Docker image of our repository
 # https://github.com/BjoernLudwigPTB/docker_pyscipopt to be built in advance.
@@ -15,10 +25,9 @@ while [ -L "${SCRIPT_PATH}" ]; do
 SCRIPT_PATH="$(readlink -f "${SCRIPT_PATH}")"
 SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd -P "$(dirname -- "${SCRIPT_PATH}")" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd)"
-set -x
-git pull
-docker build -t ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization:latest docker/
+cd ${SCRIPT_DIR} && \
+git pull && \
+docker build --no-cache -t ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization:latest docker/ && \
 docker run -it --rm ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization \
-  -m ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization.optimize
+  ${1:--m ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization.optimize}
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index 482a06144f521a148b778b17cf63afe032d40474..34bc04a03a21dc5b94ec56075e89f30b47245f05 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 name = ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization
-version = 0.0.2a7
+version = 0.0.2a9
 description =
     The QAP variant of keyboard layout optimization, i.e. character to key assignments
 long_description = file: README.md
@@ -41,3 +41,8 @@ python_requires = >=3.10
 where = src
+test =
+    hypothesis
+    pytest
diff --git a/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/data_aquisition/__init__.py b/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/data_aquisition/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/data_aquisition/chars.py b/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/data_aquisition/chars.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7cc435beb49630e9f53f4e0e18fd264049581dd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/data_aquisition/chars.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+"""This module contains the class providing a unified interface for character sets"""
+__all__ = ["Chars"]
+import string
+from itertools import product
+from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union
+from ..type_aliases import Bigram, CharTuple
+class Chars:
+    """A unified interface to a collection of characters and corresponding bigrams
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    chars : str or CharTupel, optional
+        A string of concatenated (special) characters or a CharTupel of single
+        characters, that are supposed to be considered. Defaults to the most common
+        letters, numbers and punctuation in German texts.
+    """
+    _chars: str
+    _monos: CharTuple
+    _bis: Tuple[Bigram]
+    def __init__(self, chars: Optional[Union[str, CharTuple]] = None):
+        if chars is None:
+            self._chars = (
+                string.ascii_lowercase
+                + string.ascii_uppercase
+                + string.digits
+                + string.punctuation
+                + "üöäÜÖÄß–…"
+            )
+        else:
+            self.chars = chars
+    @property
+    def chars(self) -> str:
+        return self._chars
+    @chars.setter
+    def chars(self, chars: Union[str, CharTuple]):
+        if isinstance(chars, str):
+            self._chars = chars
+        else:  # isinstance(chars, CharTuple):
+            self._chars = "".join(char for char in chars)
+        try:
+            del self._monos
+        except AttributeError:
+            pass
+        try:
+            del self._bis
+        except AttributeError:
+            pass
+    @property
+    def monos(self) -> CharTuple:
+        try:
+            return self._monos
+        except AttributeError:
+            self._monos = self._str2char_tuple(self.chars)
+            return self._monos
+    @staticmethod
+    def _str2char_tuple(char_str: str) -> CharTuple:
+        return tuple(char for char in char_str)
+    @property
+    def bis(self):
+        try:
+            return self._bis
+        except AttributeError:
+            self._bis = tuple(
+                "".join(bigram_tuple) for bigram_tuple in product(self.chars, repeat=2)
+            )
+            return self._bis
diff --git a/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/ilp.py b/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/ilp.py
index 033724a9e4d1d4201e14e3b74864a5a711159502..0c03cca4b72a685f055a6aefec1b528d1bb605e4 100644
--- a/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/ilp.py
+++ b/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/ilp.py
@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ from typing import Iterable
 from pyscipopt import Model, quicksum
-from .types import (
-    CharKeyPair,
-    CharKeyQuadruple,
-    CharTuple,
-    KeyTuple,
+from .data_aquisition.chars import Chars
+from .type_aliases import (
+    CharPosPair,
+    CharPosQuadruple,
+    PosTuple,
@@ -20,122 +20,123 @@ class KeyboardOptimization:
     """Instances of this class represent instances of the keyboard layout QAP
     The IP variant of an optimization of character to key assignments can be modeled
-    as a so called quadratic assignment problem (QAP). The task is to assign a set of
+    as a so-called quadratic assignment problem (QAP). The task is to assign a set of
     characters to a set of keys on a keyboard. The way in which they should be
     arranged has to meet certain criteria such as for instance: characters that are
-    often typed after one another should not be assigned to keys, that are supposed
+    often typed after one another should not be assigned to positions, that are supposed
     to be pressed by the same finger.
     chars : CharTuple
         the (special) characters to be assign
-    keys: KeyTuple
-        the keys to which we want to assign the (special) characters
+    poss: PosTuple
+        the positions to which we want to assign the (special) characters
-    chars: CharTuple
-    keys: KeyTuple
+    chars: Chars
+    poss: PosTuple
-    def __init__(self, chars: CharTuple, keys: KeyTuple):
-        assert len(chars) == len(keys)
+    def __init__(self, chars: Chars, poss: PosTuple):
+        assert len(chars.monos) == len(poss)
         self.chars = chars
-        self.keys = keys
-        self.char_key_assigns: LinVars = {}
-        self.quad_char_key_assigns: QuadVars = {}
-        self.char_key_costs: LinCosts = {}
-        self.quad_char_key_costs: QuadCosts = {}
+        self.poss = poss
+        self.char_pos_assigns: LinVars = {}
+        self.quad_char_pos_assigns: QuadVars = {}
+        self.char_pos_costs: LinCosts = {}
+        self.quad_char_pos_costs: QuadCosts = {}
         self.model: Model = Model("Keyboard Layout Optimization")
     def set_up_model(self, char_key_costs: LinCosts, quad_char_key_costs: QuadCosts):
         """Set up all the variables and initialize the costs for the SCIP model"""
         for (char, key) in self.char_key_assigns_keys:
-            self.char_key_assigns[char, key] = self.model.addVar(
+            self.char_pos_assigns[char, key] = self.model.addVar(
                 name=f"{key}={char}", vtype="B"
         for (char, char_2, key, key_2) in self.quad_char_key_assigns_keys:
-            self.quad_char_key_assigns[char, char_2, key, key_2] = self.model.addVar(
+            self.quad_char_pos_assigns[char, char_2, key, key_2] = self.model.addVar(
                 name=f"{key}={char}_and_{key_2}={char_2}", vtype="C", lb=0, ub=1
-        assert len(quad_char_key_costs) == len(self.quad_char_key_assigns)
-        assert len(char_key_costs) == len(self.char_key_assigns)
-        self.char_key_costs = char_key_costs
-        self.quad_char_key_costs = quad_char_key_costs
+        assert len(quad_char_key_costs) == len(self.quad_char_pos_assigns)
+        assert len(char_key_costs) == len(self.char_pos_assigns)
+        self.char_pos_costs = char_key_costs
+        self.quad_char_pos_costs = quad_char_key_costs
         constr = {}
-        for char in self.chars:
+        for char in self.chars.monos:
-                quicksum(self.char_key_assigns[char, key] for key in self.keys) == 1,
+                quicksum(self.char_pos_assigns[char, key] for key in self.poss) == 1,
             for (key, key_2) in self.key_pairs:
-                        self.quad_char_key_assigns[char, char_2, key, key_2]
-                        for char_2 in self.chars
+                        self.quad_char_pos_assigns[char, char_2, key, key_2]
+                        for char_2 in self.chars.monos
                         if char_2 != char
-                    <= self.char_key_assigns[char, key],
-                    f"QuadCharacterAssignedLEQThanLocation({char},{key},{key_2})",
+                    <= self.char_pos_assigns[char, key],
+                    f"QuadCharacterAssignedLEQThanPosition({char},{key},{key_2})",
-                        self.quad_char_key_assigns[char_2, char, key_2, key]
-                        for char_2 in self.chars
+                        self.quad_char_pos_assigns[char_2, char, key_2, key]
+                        for char_2 in self.chars.monos
                         if char_2 != char
-                    <= self.char_key_assigns[char, key],
-                    f"QuadCharacterAssignedLEQThanSecondLocation({char},{key_2},{key})",
+                    <= self.char_pos_assigns[char, key],
+                    f"QuadCharacterAssignedLEQThanSecondPosition({char},{key_2},{key})",
-            for char_2 in self.chars:
-                for key in self.keys:
+            for char_2 in self.chars.monos:
+                for key in self.poss:
                     if char_2 != char:
-                                self.quad_char_key_assigns[char, char_2, key, key_2]
-                                for key_2 in self.keys
+                                self.quad_char_pos_assigns[char, char_2, key, key_2]
+                                for key_2 in self.poss
                                 if key_2 != key
-                            <= self.char_key_assigns[char, key],
+                            <= self.char_pos_assigns[char, key],
-                                self.quad_char_key_assigns[char_2, char, key_2, key]
-                                for key_2 in self.keys
+                                self.quad_char_pos_assigns[char_2, char, key_2, key]
+                                for key_2 in self.poss
                                 if key_2 != key
-                            <= self.char_key_assigns[char, key],
+                            <= self.char_pos_assigns[char, key],
         for (char, char_2, key, key_2) in self.quad_char_key_assigns_keys:
-                self.char_key_assigns[char, key] + self.char_key_assigns[char_2, key_2]
-                <= 1 + self.quad_char_key_assigns[char, char_2, key, key_2],
+                self.char_pos_assigns[char, key] + self.char_pos_assigns[char_2, key_2]
+                <= 1 + self.quad_char_pos_assigns[char, char_2, key, key_2],
-        for key in self.keys:
+        for key in self.poss:
             constr[key] = self.model.addCons(
-                quicksum(self.char_key_assigns[char, key] for char in self.chars) == 1,
-                f"AllLocationAssignedOnce({key})",
+                quicksum(self.char_pos_assigns[char, key] for char in self.chars.monos)
+                == 1,
+                f"AllPositionsAssignedOnce({key})",
                 costs * assigns
                 for (costs, assigns) in zip(
-                    self.char_key_costs.values(), self.char_key_assigns.values()
+                    self.char_pos_costs.values(), self.char_pos_assigns.values()
             + quicksum(
                 costs * assigns
                 for (costs, assigns) in zip(
-                    self.quad_char_key_costs.values(),
-                    self.quad_char_key_assigns.values(),
+                    self.quad_char_pos_costs.values(),
+                    self.quad_char_pos_assigns.values(),
@@ -159,10 +160,10 @@ class KeyboardOptimization:
         for (char, key) in self.char_key_assigns_keys:
                 f"({char}, {key}): "
-                f"{self.model.getVal(self.char_key_assigns[char, key])}, "
-                f"cost: {self.char_key_costs[char, key]}"
+                f"{self.model.getVal(self.char_pos_assigns[char, key])}, "
+                f"cost: {self.char_pos_costs[char, key]}"
-            if self.model.getVal(self.char_key_assigns[char, key]) == 1:
+            if self.model.getVal(self.char_pos_assigns[char, key]) == 1:
                 solution_assignments.append((char, key))
         assert "('u', 'left_pinky_home')" in str(solution_assignments)
@@ -180,16 +181,16 @@ class KeyboardOptimization:
-    def char_key_assigns_keys(self) -> Iterable[CharKeyPair]:
+    def char_key_assigns_keys(self) -> Iterable[CharPosPair]:
         """An iterator for the pairs of (special) characters and corresponding keys"""
-        return product(self.chars, self.keys)
+        return product(self.chars.monos, self.poss)
-    def quad_char_key_assigns_keys(self) -> Iterable[CharKeyQuadruple]:
+    def quad_char_key_assigns_keys(self) -> Iterable[CharPosQuadruple]:
         """An iterator for quadruples of character pairs and corresponding key pairs"""
         flattened_tuple_of_quads = chain.from_iterable(
-                product(permutations(self.chars, 2), permutations(self.keys, 2))
+                product(permutations(self.chars.monos, 2), permutations(self.poss, 2))
         iter_of_quads = (iter(flattened_tuple_of_quads),) * 4
@@ -198,4 +199,4 @@ class KeyboardOptimization:
     def key_pairs(self) -> Iterable:
         """An iterator for all pairs of keys that are possible"""
-        return permutations(self.keys, 2)
+        return permutations(self.poss, 2)
diff --git a/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/optimize.py b/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/optimize.py
index 2e7f7e4e3067cc8bbfc5d19fc99fceaa141319ad..714ef970718e28ac1819d8eb5df1f7d7dd506219 100644
--- a/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/optimize.py
+++ b/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/optimize.py
@@ -12,8 +12,9 @@ $ python -m ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization.optimize
 We might add command line parameters at a later time. For now please edit the main
 function at the very bottom of this file to change inputs.
+from ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization.data_aquisition.chars import Chars
 from ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization.ilp import KeyboardOptimization
-from ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization.types import LinCosts, QuadCosts
+from ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization.type_aliases import LinCosts, QuadCosts
 def prepare_costs(
@@ -33,48 +34,48 @@ def prepare_costs(
     _linear_costs = {}
     _quad_costs = {}
-    for (char, loc) in optimization_problem.char_key_assigns_keys:
+    for (char, pos) in optimization_problem.char_key_assigns_keys:
         if (
-            (char == "u" and loc == "left_pinky_home")
-            or (char == "n" and loc == "right_index_home")
-            or (char == "r" and loc == "right_middle_home")
-            or (char == "t" and loc == "right_ring_home")
-            or (char == "d" and loc == "right_pinky_home")
+            (char == "u" and pos == "left_pinky_home")
+            or (char == "n" and pos == "right_index_home")
+            or (char == "r" and pos == "right_middle_home")
+            or (char == "t" and pos == "right_ring_home")
+            or (char == "d" and pos == "right_pinky_home")
-            _linear_costs[char, loc] = 0.0
+            _linear_costs[char, pos] = 0.0
-        _linear_costs[char, loc] = 1.0
+        _linear_costs[char, pos] = 1.0
-    for (char, char_2, loc, loc_2) in optimization_problem.quad_char_key_assigns_keys:
+    for (char, char_2, pos, pos_2) in optimization_problem.quad_char_key_assigns_keys:
         if (
                 char == "u"
-                and loc == "left_pinky_home"
+                and pos == "left_pinky_home"
                 and char_2 == "i"
-                and loc_2 == "left_middle_home"
+                and pos_2 == "left_middle_home"
             or (
                 char == "i"
-                and loc == "left_middle_home"
+                and pos == "left_middle_home"
                 and char_2 == "a"
-                and loc_2 == "left_index_home"
+                and pos_2 == "left_index_home"
             or (
                 char == "a"
-                and loc == "left_index_home"
+                and pos == "left_index_home"
                 and char_2 == "e"
-                and loc_2 == "left_ring_home"
+                and pos_2 == "left_ring_home"
-            _quad_costs[char, char_2, loc, loc_2] = 0.0
+            _quad_costs[char, char_2, pos, pos_2] = 0.0
-        _quad_costs[char, char_2, loc, loc_2] = 1.0
+        _quad_costs[char, char_2, pos, pos_2] = 1.0
     return _linear_costs, _quad_costs
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-    test_chars = ("a", "e", "i", "u", "n", "r", "t", "d")
-    test_locs = (
+    test_chars = Chars(("a", "e", "i", "u", "n", "r", "t", "d"))
+    test_poss = (
@@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
-    optimization_model = KeyboardOptimization(test_chars, test_locs)
+    optimization_model = KeyboardOptimization(test_chars, test_poss)
     linear_costs, quad_costs = prepare_costs(optimization_model)
     optimization_model.set_up_model(linear_costs, quad_costs)
diff --git a/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/receive_data.py b/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/receive_data.py
index 3c19218ad6975ee9bd00e22c0a9de4f5ce02f2ea..4841175717d9e174051beb09f0de27725aa70200 100644
--- a/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/receive_data.py
+++ b/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/receive_data.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 """This module contains a class representing (special) character counts"""
-__all__ = ["CharacterCounts"]
+__all__ = ["CharProbs"]
 import csv
 from math import comb
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ from os.path import abspath, basename
 from typing import Optional
 from urllib.request import urlopen
-from .types import CharSet, CharTuple
+from src.ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization.type_aliases import CharSet, CharTuple
-class CharacterCounts:
-    """Instances represent all relevant (special) character counts
+class CharProbs:
+    """Instances represent all relevant (special) character probabilities
@@ -120,11 +120,10 @@ class CharacterCounts:
                     row["bigram"][0] in self.chars and row["bigram"][1] in self.chars
                     bi_probs[row["bigram"]] = absolute_count
-        total_sum = sum(bi_probs.values())
-        assert total_sum > 0
-        normalizer = 100 / total_sum
+        absolute_sum = sum(bi_probs.values())
         for character, count in bi_probs.items():
-            bi_probs[character] = count / normalizer
+            bi_probs[character] = count / absolute_sum
+        assert round(sum(bi_probs.values()), 8) == 1
         assert len(bi_probs) == reader.line_num or len(bi_probs) <= comb(
             reader.line_num, 2
@@ -142,10 +141,10 @@ class CharacterCounts:
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-    CharacterCounts(
-        ("a", "b", "c"),
+    CharProbs(
+        None,
-        "icelandic_bigrams.txt",
+        "german_bigrams.txt",
diff --git a/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/type_aliases.py b/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/type_aliases.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1eb2b5db5aa09d43afb9abe2a04d66e3809fdae6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/type_aliases.py
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+"""This module contains type aliases for type hints and thus more convenient coding"""
+__all__ = [
+    "Bigram",
+    "Char",
+    "CharPosPair",
+    "CharPosQuadruple",
+    "CharSet",
+    "CharTuple",
+    "LinCosts",
+    "LinVars",
+    "Pos",
+    "PosPair",
+    "PosTuple",
+    "QuadCosts",
+    "QuadVars",
+Char = str
+"""A (special) character"""
+Pos = str
+"""A position"""
+CharPosPair = tuple[Char, Pos]
+"""A pair of a (special) character and a position"""
+Bigram = str
+"""A length-two string of (special) characters"""
+PosPair = tuple[Pos, Pos]
+"""A tuple of two positions"""
+CharTuple = tuple[Char, ...]
+"""A tuple of several (special) characters"""
+CharSet = set[Char]
+"""A set of several (special) characters"""
+PosTuple = tuple[Pos, ...]
+"""A tuple of several positions"""
+LinCosts = dict[CharPosPair, float]
+"""A dictionary assigning costs to (special) character bigrams"""
+CharPosQuadruple = tuple[Char, Char, Pos, Pos]
+"""A four-tuple: two (special) characters and their respective positions"""
+QuadCosts = dict[CharPosQuadruple, float]
+"""A dictionary assigning costs to (special) character, position quadruples"""
+LinVars = dict[CharPosPair, bool]
+"""A dictionary of binary decisions of assigning (special) characters to positions"""
+QuadVars = dict[CharPosQuadruple, bool]
+"""A dictionary of binary vars assigning two (special) characters to two positions"""
diff --git a/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/types.py b/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/types.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0727d4695682d621634decbdbc5807b15adf2b84..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization/types.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-"""This module contains custom types for type hints and thus more convenient coding"""
-__all__ = [
-    "CharKeyPair",
-    "CharKeyQuadruple",
-    "CharTuple",
-    "CharSet",
-    "KeyTuple",
-    "LinCosts",
-    "LinVars",
-    "QuadCosts",
-    "QuadVars",
-Char = str
-"""A (special) character"""
-Key = str
-"""A key"""
-CharKeyPair = tuple[Char, Key]
-"""A pair of a (special) character and a key"""
-Bigram = tuple[Char, Char]
-"""A tuple of two (special) characters"""
-KeyPair = tuple[Key, Key]
-"""A tuple of two keys"""
-CharTuple = tuple[Char, ...]
-"""A tuple of several (special) characters"""
-CharSet = set[Char]
-"""A set of several (special) characters"""
-KeyTuple = tuple[Key, ...]
-"""A tuple of several keys"""
-LinCosts = dict[CharKeyPair, float]
-"""A dictionary assigning costs to (special) character bigrams"""
-CharKeyQuadruple = tuple[Char, Key, Char, Key]
-"""A four-tuple: (special) character, key, another (special) character, another key"""
-QuadCosts = dict[CharKeyQuadruple, float]
-"""A dictionary assigning costs to (special) character, key quadruples"""
-LinVars = dict[CharKeyPair, bool]
-"""A dictionary of binary decisions of assigning (special) characters to keys"""
-QuadVars = dict[CharKeyQuadruple, bool]
-"""A dictionary of binary decisions of assigning two (special) characters to two keys"""
diff --git a/test/test_chars.py b/test/test_chars.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..210849769b3bc54f5700460e358cd0a0f9f367eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_chars.py
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+from typing import Iterable, List
+from hypothesis import given, settings, strategies as hst
+from src.ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization.data_aquisition.chars import (
+    Chars,
+from src.ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization.type_aliases import CharTuple
+def test_chars_init():
+    assert Chars()
+def test_chars_chars_type():
+    assert isinstance(Chars().chars, str)
+def test_chars_monos_type():
+    assert isinstance(Chars().monos, CharTuple.__origin__)
+@given(hst.lists(hst.characters(), min_size=1))
+def test_chars_input_tuple(char_tuple):
+    assert Chars(tuple(char_tuple)).chars == "".join(char_tuple)
+def test_chars_input_str(char_string):
+    assert Chars(char_string).chars == char_string
+def test_chars_input_tuple_equals_input_str(char_string):
+    char_tuple = Chars._str2char_tuple(char_string)
+    assert Chars(char_string).chars == Chars(char_tuple).chars
+def test_chars_input_str(char_string):
+    assert Chars(char_string).chars == char_string
+def test_chars_default():
+    all_test_chars = list(Chars().chars)
+    basic_latin = _get_unicode_chars(range(0x0021, 0x007F))
+    latin_1_supp = _get_unicode_chars(
+        (0x00C4, 0x00D6, 0x00DC, 0x00E4, 0x00F6, 0x00FC, 0x00DF)
+    )
+    general_punc = _get_unicode_chars((0x2013, 0x2026))
+    extended_alphabet = basic_latin + latin_1_supp + general_punc
+    for char in extended_alphabet:
+        assert char in all_test_chars
+        all_test_chars.remove(char)
+    assert not all_test_chars
+def _get_unicode_chars(code_point_range: Iterable) -> List[str]:
+    return [chr(char) for char in code_point_range]
+def test_chars_monograms():
+    assert Chars().monos
+def test_chars_monograms_multiple_times():
+    test_chars = Chars()
+    first_time_monos = test_chars.monos
+    second_time_monos = test_chars.monos
+    assert first_time_monos == second_time_monos
+@given(hst.lists(hst.characters(), min_size=3))
+def test_chars_monograms_after_resetting(char_tuple):
+    first_test_chars = Chars(char_tuple)
+    assert first_test_chars.monos == tuple(char_tuple)
+    first_test_chars.chars = char_tuple[1:-1]
+    assert first_test_chars.monos == tuple(char_tuple[1:-1])
+def test_chars_bigrams():
+    assert Chars().bis
+def test_chars_bigrams_length():
+    for bigram in Chars().bis:
+        assert len(bigram) == 2
+def test_bigrams_default():
+    all_test_bigrams = list(Chars("1234").bis)
+    actual_bigrams = (
+        "11",
+        "12",
+        "21",
+        "13",
+        "31",
+        "14",
+        "41",
+        "22",
+        "23",
+        "32",
+        "24",
+        "42",
+        "33",
+        "34",
+        "44",
+        "43",
+    )
+    for bigram in actual_bigrams:
+        assert bigram in all_test_bigrams
+        all_test_bigrams.remove(bigram)
+    assert not all_test_bigrams
+def test_chars_bigrams_multiple_times():
+    test_chars = Chars()
+    first_time_bis = test_chars.bis
+    second_time_bis = test_chars.bis
+    assert first_time_bis == second_time_bis
+def test_chars_bigrams_after_resetting():
+    test_chars = Chars("12")
+    first_bigram_list = list(test_chars.bis)
+    first_actual_bigrams = (
+        "11",
+        "12",
+        "21",
+        "22",
+    )
+    for bigram in first_actual_bigrams:
+        assert bigram in first_bigram_list
+        first_bigram_list.remove(bigram)
+    assert not first_bigram_list
+    test_chars.chars = "23"
+    second_bigram_list = list(test_chars.bis)
+    second_actual_bigrams = (
+        "22",
+        "23",
+        "32",
+        "33",
+    )
+    for bigram in second_actual_bigrams:
+        assert bigram in second_bigram_list
+        second_bigram_list.remove(bigram)
+    assert not second_bigram_list
diff --git a/test/test_initialization.py b/test/test_initialization.py
index 1d06626c4832998d411465477c8605ea7e267f0e..3e502a2e6018b9f7beb913774c2e398c83b95d68 100644
--- a/test/test_initialization.py
+++ b/test/test_initialization.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ def three_chars() -> CharTuple:
-def three_locs() -> CharTuple:
+def three_poss() -> CharTuple:
     return "left_pinky_home", "left_ring_home", "right_index_home"
@@ -23,36 +23,36 @@ def test_keyboard_optimization_init_throw_errors(init_params):
-def test_keyboard_optimization_init(three_chars, three_locs):
-    KeyboardOptimization(three_chars, three_locs)
+def test_keyboard_optimization_init(three_chars, three_poss):
+    KeyboardOptimization(three_chars, three_poss)
-def test_keyboard_optimization_char_loc_assigns_keys(three_chars, three_locs):
+def test_keyboard_optimization_char_pos_assigns_keys(three_chars, three_poss):
     linear_keys = tuple(
-        KeyboardOptimization(three_chars, three_locs).char_key_assigns_keys
+        KeyboardOptimization(three_chars, three_poss).char_key_assigns_keys
-    assert len(linear_keys) == len(three_chars) * len(three_locs)
+    assert len(linear_keys) == len(three_chars) * len(three_poss)
     for char in three_chars:
-        for loc in three_locs:
-            assert (char, loc) in linear_keys
+        for pos in three_poss:
+            assert (char, pos) in linear_keys
-def test_keyboard_optimization_quad_char_loc_assigns_keys(three_chars, three_locs):
+def test_keyboard_optimization_quad_char_pos_assigns_keys(three_chars, three_poss):
     quadratic_keys = tuple(
-        KeyboardOptimization(three_chars, three_locs).quad_char_key_assigns_keys
+        KeyboardOptimization(three_chars, three_poss).quad_char_key_assigns_keys
     assert len(quadratic_keys) == len(three_chars) * (len(three_chars) - 1) * len(
-        three_locs
-    ) * (len(three_locs) - 1)
+        three_poss
+    ) * (len(three_poss) - 1)
     for (char, char_2) in permutations(three_chars, 2):
-        for (loc, loc_2) in permutations(three_locs, 2):
-            assert (char, char_2, loc, loc_2) in quadratic_keys
+        for (pos, pos_2) in permutations(three_poss, 2):
+            assert (char, char_2, pos, pos_2) in quadratic_keys
-def test_keyboard_optimization_quad_locs(three_chars, three_locs):
-    quad_locs = tuple(KeyboardOptimization(three_chars, three_locs).key_pairs)
-    assert len(quad_locs) == len(three_locs) * (len(three_locs) - 1)
-    for loc in three_locs:
-        for loc_2 in three_locs:
-            if loc != loc_2:
-                assert (loc, loc_2) in quad_locs
+def test_keyboard_optimization_quad_poss(three_chars, three_poss):
+    quad_poss = tuple(KeyboardOptimization(three_chars, three_poss).key_pairs)
+    assert len(quad_poss) == len(three_poss) * (len(three_poss) - 1)
+    for pos in three_poss:
+        for pos_2 in three_poss:
+            if pos != pos_2:
+                assert (pos, pos_2) in quad_poss
diff --git a/test/test_receive_data.py b/test/test_receive_data.py
index 42393c7e08e10433152be8c3273fecac20452d73..2e7e193c443424b28b6fbf880828e0d2fb8b3502 100644
--- a/test/test_receive_data.py
+++ b/test/test_receive_data.py
@@ -3,17 +3,17 @@ from urllib.request import urlopen
 import pytest
-from ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization.receive_data import CharacterCounts
+from src.ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization.receive_data import CharProbs
 def characters_count():
-    return CharacterCounts()
+    return CharProbs()
 def characters_count_custom():
-    return CharacterCounts(
+    return CharProbs(
         ("A", "B", "C"),
diff --git a/test/test_types.py b/test/test_types.py
index 60ba63db6e311a9a738455f28d1b1a3304f369fb..a1601f66d6c8d8e915243cfb5044db6eecafd3be 100644
--- a/test/test_types.py
+++ b/test/test_types.py
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 from ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization.costs import FreqTuple
-from ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization.types import (
+from ilp_keyboard_layout_optimization.type_aliases import (
-    CharKeyPair,
-    CharKeyQuadruple,
+    CharPosPair,
+    CharPosQuadruple,
-    Key,
-    KeyPair,
-    KeyTuple,
+    Pos,
+    PosPair,
+    PosTuple,
@@ -25,44 +25,44 @@ def test_char():
 def test_key():
-    assert Key == str
+    assert Pos == str
 def test_char_key_pair():
-    assert CharKeyPair == tuple[Char, Key]
+    assert CharPosPair == tuple[Char, Pos]
 def test_bigram():
-    assert Bigram == tuple[Char, Char]
+    assert Bigram == str
-def test_loc_pair():
-    assert KeyPair == tuple[Key, Key]
+def test_pos_pair():
+    assert PosPair == tuple[Pos, Pos]
 def test_lin_costs():
-    assert LinCosts == dict[CharKeyPair, float]
+    assert LinCosts == dict[CharPosPair, float]
 def test_char_tuple():
     assert CharTuple == tuple[Char, ...]
-def test_loc_tuple():
-    assert KeyTuple == tuple[Key, ...]
+def test_pos_tuple():
+    assert PosTuple == tuple[Pos, ...]
 def test_lin_vars():
-    assert LinVars == dict[CharKeyPair, bool]
+    assert LinVars == dict[CharPosPair, bool]
-def test_quad_loc_quadruple():
-    assert CharKeyQuadruple == tuple[Char, Key, Char, Key]
+def test_quad_pos_quadruple():
+    assert CharPosQuadruple == tuple[Char, Pos, Char, Pos]
 def test_quad_costs():
-    assert QuadCosts == dict[CharKeyQuadruple, float]
+    assert QuadCosts == dict[CharPosQuadruple, float]
 def test_quad_vars():
-    assert QuadVars == dict[CharKeyQuadruple, bool]
+    assert QuadVars == dict[CharPosQuadruple, bool]